A Final Note from Your Author

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! To everyone who has followed Jules' journey and rooted for her and especially to everyone who has been so kind in comments and messages. Just like Jules said, I am 'dead humbled' to have gotten such a warm response. I really can't thank you enough.

I don't have much to say beyond my overwhelming need to express my gratitude, but I also want to say that I hope the ending is what you hoped it'd be. I toyed with different ideas relentlessly and ended up doing a complete 180 at one point because I just wasn't sure, but I think I'm rather happy with it, so I truly hope you are too.

So I suppose that's it, really. After such a journey there isn't really anything else to say. But, once more, (because I simply can't help myself) thank you! Thank you for your support, and your votes, and your comments, and your messages. And, above all, thank you for loving my characters (almost) as dearly as I love them myself; those four and their friendship have carved out for themselves a very special place in my heart and I thank you sincerely for having let them live in yours, too, for a while.

Thank you!

- Isobel

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