chapter 2

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chapter 2

The plane finally landed without problems and the most amazing part was I lived, and didn’t die a sudden death. After we landed I didn’t talk to Seth didn’t look at him and didn’t even say bye, we just went our separate ways , and I was okay with that, I was waiting for my luggage oh the marry go round thing full of luggage, I kept waiting and hoping to see it.

I waited and waited till there were just a couple bags coming out and of course there it was the last bag to come out of course it just had to be mine. I grabbed the bag pulling it along with me finally exiting the airport, I stood on the side of the road waiting for a taxi.

After an hour of trying to hail down a taxi, I finally did I hopped into the car, placing my bags beside me I told the man. Who was a greasy creepy looking old man my university address. He pulled away from the grey pale side walk, driving down the busy loud road heading towards my school, I was so excited

I hoped my roommate was nice and that we would become best of friends, and most of all I hoped, they had good food. Because I was too nervous to eat on the plane and by now I was starving, and if I didnt get food soon I might consider having dinner with my greasy driver.

i will try to update everyday but i know i wont be able to so i will try to update whenever i can thanx for reading guys <3 :)

hey guys im back hope you enjoy the next part :) thanx for reading <3

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