chapter 6

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I got out of bed looking at the clock realising it was almost time to get up, I sat up and got out of bed grabbing my towel and body wash and anything else i would need  from my luggage and walked over to the bathroom, turning on the shower and listening to the water splash across the tub, I stripped out of my sweats and stepped into the steamy shower, feeling the hot water roll down my body.

I stepped out of the shower wrapping my towel around my body, and   changed into my clothes, than blow-drying my hair then straightening it. I walked out of the room noticing my roommate still passed out on her bed.  I grabbed my keys and wallet and   went to the elevator, making my way toward the front lobby.

I walked to door opening it stepping into the warm sunny day, making my way down the road looking for some clothing stores, considering I wasn’t able to bring a lot on the plane. i walked into the first one I saw and bought  a couple shirts and a pair of creamy coloured short shorts .. Getting the slightest feeling someone was following me. Stepping out of the shop I scanned my surroundings, and catching a sandy brown head quickly run around the corner.

sorry you guys it was a filler chapter :/

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