chapter 4

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chapter 4

I quickly turned around and muttered id be back later I left my bags and fled to the elevator, I pushed the button and waited pushing it again ad again, until finally the doors opened I ran in and pushed the close door button , the doors finally closed and I let out a long sigh. leaning back against the elevator and thinking about what I just saw.

The elevator opened and I stepped out, taking in my surrounding and realising it actually was quite beautiful. I walked up to the counter but it was a different person it was a man who looked like he was in his late twenty’s, with sandy blond hair and hazel eyes, and a lean muscular frame, his name tag read Noah.

In a deep husky voice he asked me if there was anything he could do for me, while giving me the biggest grin he could muster. I asked him if there were any places around that I could grab a bite to eat at, he told me there was one just down the street that had great food and I wouldn’t even need a cab for.

He wrote down the name of the place and wrote down the directions, he handed me the the piece of paper our hands grazing as I grabbed it. I smiled my best smile and thanked him but not before winking at him before turning to go. As I walked to the doors I couldn’t help but feel his eyes traveling up and down my body, swaying my hips a tad more to give him something to look at.

I pushed the door open stepping into the cold night air, feeling the wind wrap around my body, I quickly looked at his neat writing and followed the directions down the road, I looked up every few minutes to make sure I was going the right way, finally reaching the small homey restaurant I pulled open the door stepping inside as a waft of great smeling food hit me, it smelt so good, and I knew this was exactly what I needed.

I waited for a waiter to seat me after a couple minutes I was brought to a booth, I sat down on the soft, comfy red seat, and took hold of the plastic menu sitting in front of me, I looked at their dinner section and looked for my favourite, garlic bread with chicken parmesan pasta, I waited for my waiter to return and ordered that with an ice tea.  While taking out my phone and turning it on, I had 16 messages, 9 from my aunt  and the rest from my best friend who I had  known since diapers she had long blonde hair with golden brown highlights  and dark chocolate brown eyes , she was tall and had a lean figure.

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