Chapter 29

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"Luis, here's the money. Let me know if I can help you in any way. Oh, also your total now is four million one hundred and twelve thousand one hundred sixty-three and six tenths. Try not taking care of that sister of yours.", Lawrence tells me while handing me the money.

I just nod my head and head out to the front when I hear Lislotte talking to someone but I can't see who it is. I should probably text Ari to see if he can pick me up. Taking my phone out of the pocket and text Ari.

Hey, can you pick me up?- L

Okay- A

"Is those two your children?", Liselotte asks someone.

"Yeah, they're my kids. I'm just waiting for someone.", the other person says.

"So are you a single father?", Liselotte asks flirty.

"No.", the other person says.

I walk to the front to see our kids than I look up at the clock to see that they shouldn't be out of school. Before I could say a single word, they come running towards me.

"Mommy!", they both yelled as they tackle me into a hug.

Smiling because I've never felt someone has so much love that it would show just by them saying one word and giving a big hug.

"What are you two rascals doing out of school?", I ask somewhat serious.

Neither one said a word as if they're ashamed of why their not in school. I turn my confused face to Ari to see him with a sad smile, there are only a few times he has ever had a sad smile like that one. The reasons are family members passed away, lost the love of his life and someone who not only insult you but your family.

"You see....", Ari starts but gets interrupted by Aubrey.

"Look, mom, I know we're supposed to still be in school but there was a group of older boys making fun of August. So I punched them; I got more days than they did seen I was the first one to punch them."

"I'm not mad, Aubrey. If anything I'm proud that you stood up for your brother.", I say to her sweetly.

"But... Angel would get mad at me because we deserved to be hurt or bullied.", August says sadly.

I walk over to August and pick him while heading out of the bank followed by Ari holding Aubrey's hand. I really didn't speak until after I put August in the jeep and the rest of us inside as well.

"Neither one of you deserves to be hurt or bullied by others. Your older sister didn't care the way an older sister should and for that I am sorry. But seen you both are here, you guys can help daddy and me find a place for us.", I say to them.

They both cheer as Ari starts driving nowhere in particular. I don't really know any nice neighborhoods that would have more than two bedrooms; which could also mean that Ari doesn't either, inserting that we're just driving until I notice that we're not just driving around. Where in the town of Wolfpine. I've seen pictures when I was doing a project on what town would I move to if I could. I didn't know that Ari knew this town. He keeps driving until we get somewhat in the middle of the town to see a house for sale with what I was considering looking for. There's a guy outside talking to a woman, probably a few years older than Ari. Parking the jeep, we get out. I stood there awkwardly until Ari grabs my hand and leads me to the guy and woman. We get to them when the woman looks at our hands with disgust but before she could open her mouth to say something about our hands, Ari started talking to the guy.

"I told you, Scott. I would buy your place once you got tired of it."

"Yeah, yeah. Who are they?", the guy, I guess named Scott says and asks.

"This is my boyfriend, Luis, and those two munches are our adopted kids.", Ari says proudly.

I thought he was going to pretend that their not his seen I took them in as my own because of their sister but the fact that he's proud to be their father which says a lot about him. I stick my hand out to say hello and what not but the woman that was with him, stepped in front of him and gave me and the kids the dirtiest look I've ever seen and I've seen plenty of dirty looks in my days. But why the hell is she giving the children that dirty look? I understand me but not them. Keeping myself in check, I move my hand back to my side and bite my lip so I don't say anything rude, even though she should get it. The only thing I didn't notice was Ari looking at me from the corner of his eye until I heard him groan. My lip falls out from my teeth as I give him a look that is pretty much asking if he's okay but he doesn't say anything. Lucky me that I can tell that he's not okay seen he wasn't looking at me but everywhere else. Before I could say anything, the woman who's still giving me the dirty look starts talking.

"Ari, please tell me, you didn't get a girl pregnant if you did, you probably not the father. So why don't you get rid of those brats and their nanny."

This bitch is pissing me off. Did you not hear a word Ari said to Scott? I know you can fucking hear or you wouldn't have stepped in from of him. I just look at her with my hatred eyes and I don't look anywhere else until she looks at my eyes. With a smirk on my face, I tell her off.

"No, Ari didn't get a girl pregnant also I'm not their nanny but their mommy. So who the fuck are you? If you know Ari means you must have heard of me seen you're giving me a dirty look. So how about you keep those dirty looks on me and not my children! They didn't do anything to you so watch where those eyes go little girl."

"Oh, so the bitch has some balls now. Do you want to go at it fag?", the bitch asks with a smirk on her face.

"I wouldn't be talking if you know what's good for you but then again go ahead so I have the pleasure of putting you in your place.", I snap back at her with a smirk on my face.

I notice Scott about to say something but I think Ari mouth something to him seen he closed his mouth. I'm thankful that Ari said something to him because the girl needs to be put in her place. I won't fight her that for sure. I won't hit a girl even if I dress like one. Maybe a beating would be good for her but I rather have another girl do it than me. I see Ari telling the kids to go inside the house while this is going on. As much as I hate cursing in front of them, there's no way for her to actually get anything through to her head without cursing.

"So the fag has some tricks up his fag sleeve. Why don't you get your fagness away from Ari so he can be worshipped has a fucking king!", the bitch screams at me.

What is wrong with this woman? Doesn't she know that he wants to be with me? I mean sure he wants to be their dad but does he want them to have two which they call mommy or an actual woman to be their mom? I know that I'm doubting myself but I can't help it when that's something that I always have to think about.

"Is the fag second-guessing himself?", the bitch asks with a smirk.

I don't want her to have that satisfied with her win. Sadly, I have nothing to say.

"Look, Santana, I don' t know why you would think I need to be treated like a king instead of a regular guy but I would love it if you would stop calling my children's mommy a fag! Do you only see what he likes and not the person he is? If so then you're missing out on a great friend.", Ari says and asks.

"How would I be missing out on a great friend when Angel told me, he's the reason that she's crying and those brats are the reasons that Angel doesn't have her parents anymore.", Santana asks and tells Ari.

"What Angel's crying? Why? Can you please tell me why she's crying? Nevermind, I'll just call her!", I ask and ask then say.

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