A bet you say?

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Shigaraki POV
Toga has been begging me for weeks to make a bet with her. Just recently she started hiding under my bed at night and waking me up. She eventually got me to give in. The bet seemed simple and I thought I would be able to win.... oh boy was I wrong. I lost a bet and she made me wear a stripper outfit. The outfit was a  very small sleeveless black leather crop top, Black leather short shorts, with a black mesh connecting the shorts, Black Fish net thigh highs, and two black leather bracelets on each wrist sort of making it look like wings. Though quote on quote ' wings' sag a bit in the middle. After she managed to get me in the outfit she quite literally locked me out of my room. Since I couldn't hide in my room I was just gonna sit on the couch for a bit then check if my room is unlocked... she never said how long I had to wear it. I was just reading on my phone and relaxing on the couch.... then Dabi walked in...

(( sorry it's such a short chapter I'll work on the other chapter later tonight))

Word count: 207

I should thank toga after this~ ( Dabishiga. Smut)Where stories live. Discover now