I gonna have my fun with you

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Shigaraki's POV

I tried to Open my door the second I got to it. Locked " god Damn it!" I kicked the door. I turned my head to see Dabi " what do you want?". I turned to lean against the wall and crosses my arms arms. I had no clue he had followed me but it brought curiosity. Did he need something? I waited patiently lightly bouncing my leg.

Dabi's POV

I grinned as I watched him kick and lean against the wall, walking right up to him and putting my arm next to his head and pinning him there with my large frame. "mm... what i want? I want to see more of that body move in that slutty outfit you have on...". The blue haired male blushes heavily. He got pretty flustered. It was honestly really cute watching him get flustered. " W-what do you mean by that?" He huffs but it wasn't in a aggressive it was more flustered. He kept his arms crossed and tried to shake away blush. God he was so hot and cute. I put My other arm on shigaraki's arm and held him in place and grinned. "I mean that you look hot and i'm not done with you yet." I grinned and using the arm he had he turned shigaraki around and pinned him against the wall and looked down his back and legs, admiring his ass. "Your ass looks great in this...".

Shigaraki's POV

I blushed  even more " God damn it toga"I growled to myself . " yeah yeah... have you had your fun yet" The truth was I didn't mind Dabi doing any of this I was just being stubborn. I tried to push himself away from the wall i'll need to be forced back to the door roughly. "Not even a little bit... mmmm" Dabi said. Welp looks like I'm not getting out of this anytime soon... oh well I don't mind him doing any of this. He reached down with his other hand and gripped the back of my bear thigh and slid his hand up to my ass, gripping it through the leather short shorts. I couldn't help but love him doing this to me... I wanted him to continue.... but we were in the middle of the hall... I'd have to get him to move this to another room.

Nobody's POV

This was Toga's plan. She knew Shigaraki had a thing for the raven haired male, and the raven haired male return his feelings. How she knew this... she did a lot of deep digging over the past few months. She also knew Shigaraki would never confess his feelings to Dabi, she wasn't sure if Dabi whatever confessed his feelings for the blue haired male though. She knew Dabi would only be even more attracted to Shigaraki in this outfit. She felt accomplished with herself.

Word count: 483

I should thank toga after this~ ( Dabishiga. Smut)Where stories live. Discover now