" I'd say make a pretty top class stripper"

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Dabi's POV

I walked in and saw shigaraki sitting on the couch and my jaw almost dropped. I grinned and took a few steps into the room and let out a long whistle looking over shigaraki. "Nice outfit you've got there boss.". He did a weird jump flinch thing it was honestly kind of cute. He shot a glare at me and huffed. " I was forced to wear it" he hissed at me. This sparked a better curiosity. Did he like the outfit? I laughed and started to Circle the room a bit "Forced to huh, mmm i find it hard to imagine you being forced into that without wanting to put up a bit of a fight. must have liked it a bit." I stepped closer to the Couch and grinned standing over the Blue haired male.

Shigaraki's POV

There he was standing over me. " I did put up a fight ask Toga" I hissed at the other male " and I hate this fucking outfit... I can't change out of it because a certain blonde literally locked me out of my room" I huffed once more. Dabi grinned and nodded. What was going through his mind? "If it was toga that makes sense, seems like something she'd think up." He leaned close and looked me over and bite his bottom lip. "You know, it looks pretty damn good on you Shigaraki. I'd say you'd make a pretty top class stripper." He said with a slight smirk on his face. I leaned back. I blushed pretty hard. I slid to the other side of the couch then I stand. " maybe I should go see if my room is unlocked". I turned my back and Swung the mesh teasingly before walking down the hall. I Smirked to myself as I did so.

Dabi's POV

I watched him eagerly as the other male moved, loving the way the outfit showed off so much skin. I grinned. though shigaraki was walking off angrily, but when I saw the swing of the mesh and the way he moved... I couldn't resist in following him.

(( I might work on the other chapter leaders tonight or tomorrow. I hope you're enjoying this so far I've been working really hard on it.))

Word count: 380

I should thank toga after this~ ( Dabishiga. Smut)Where stories live. Discover now