Chapter 2 - First meeting

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Hope you enjoy I own nothing but the story being told!


Rey get's off her one pilot ship, and looks around the forest as she searches for the map. Not to far from her Kylo Ren also wandering though the forest. Rey was walking past a large tree when she saw a cave and sense that she should go into the cave. When she walked in the cave, she saw a rolled up scroll, and took it. She smirked at how easy this was, and started to walk out of the cave. 

"Heh that was too easy." She said wondering why she was sent to do such a easy task, until she sense someone coming towards her was and hide in a tree, ready to attack whoever it was. Kylo came out of the bushes and was about to enter the cave when he sense something above him, and looked around the trees but didn't see anything but he had his saber at the ready. 

"I know you're there so come out before I make you." Kylo said while glancing around the forest. 

"Well, well, well, you're not as dumb as look, bucket head." Rey said while leaning against a tree behind him, with a smirk on her face, showing her fangs. He turns and sees a beautiful Burnett staring at him with her narrow sith eyes not leaving his. 

"What business do you have here girl?" Kylo said in a serious tone though his mask. 

"Nothing that concerns you." She says walking away, and he was about to let her until, he sees on her belt a scroll that he has come to collect. He lifts his hand freezing her in place, and walks towards her. Rey is a bit shock but has been trained to break free from these, so she is not to alarmed by this stunt. He comes face to face with her, and looks down at her belt. 

"I will be needing that, thank you." Kylo said reaching for it until he sees a hand grab his wrist, stopping him. He looks up at her and sees she has broke free from the force freeze, he's supersized by this, and doesn't notice when Rey swiped her foot under his feet having him land on his back. As she took out her double sided folding light saber, holding it right up to his throat.

"Yeah, I don't think so." She said looking down on him, Ren looks past her and makes the tree behind them come down towards them they both move out of the way. Rey and Kylo both had their sabers out and ready, staring at each other looking at both of their movements, then the fight truly began, their sabers crashing into one another, both moving swiftly. Their sabers come together once again, both holding and waiting for the upper hand. 

"Well at least you're not boring, but that won't help you." She says in a flirty voice to throw him off, which seemed to work for a moment, but he regained his focus on her.

"Well sum, I hope you know, being cocky won't help you, win a fight." He said though his helmet bating her to get angry, but to his disappointment she let's out a laugh, and jumps back landing in a tree. He looks up at her in the tree, and sees her hand stretch out then out of nowhere lightning comes out of her hands towards him and he blocks it with his saber. He gets pushed back, and when he looks up she's in front of him and kicks him away from her. She starts to run towards her ship when she felt her legs freeze and she falls to the ground and she looks over and see Kylo standing next her and pushes her over on her back and takes both of her arms so she can't move them. Rey was strong but was not able to break from his hold. 

"Well seems our little round has come to an end." He said though his mask, then Rey had an idea, she was wondering why this man was wearing a helmet, but she then remembered her grandfather telling her about the first order and his old apprentice. She then smirked showing once again her fangs. 

"I wonder how Vader would feel, if he knew you took this long to defeat a person." She said looking from the side then towards him. He was caught off guard and Rey used this to her advantage. She then pined him to the ground before he could react and put her saber to his neck. Then before either of them could do anything else they both heard their comm links go off and were pushed off each other by an unseen force. They both looked at each other and then looked at their comm links, and answered it and both of their masters appeared in front of them. 

"Hello grandfather." Rey said while bowing towards him. 

"Hello Supreme Leader." Kylo said kneeling in front of him with his head hanging down to the ground. 

"Hello Granddaughter, hello Kylo Ren." Palpatine said looking at Rey and then Kylo. 

"Hello my faithful apprentice, Hello Ms Palpatine.  When Snoke finished talking Kylo was in shock he just fought a Palpatine, a freak-en Palpatine! As he was thinking, Rey bowed towards Snoke after he had greeted her. 

"Hello Supreme Leader Snoke." She said while bowing towards him, which made Kylo snap out of his train of thought. He stayed where he was and spoke to Palpatine.

"Hello it is a pleasure to meet you." Kylo said though his mask. 

"Well we have a task for the both of you." Palpatine said as he looked at Snoke. 

"Yes we need you 2 to stay there, for 2 weeks." Snoke said as he looked at the two. 

Kylo rose from the ground and stood up the straight. 

"Yes master." They both said at the same time, after that the holograms turn off. Then both of them let out a breath they didn't know they were holding in. Rey stands back up and looks over at him, and reganes her proser.

"Well Kylo ren, what do you say, where should we set up camp?" Rey said waiting to hear his opinion. He looked at her a bit suprize, but then thought for a momment. 

"Let's set up in the cave, it'll be easier to set up camp." Kylo said in low voice. Rey then thought for a moment, and agreed that was the best situation. 

"Yes, you are right, we should get started before it gets dark." Rey says turning away from him, and starts walking then stops and looks over her shoulder. "Also you fought well, I haven't had a challenge like that in a while, so good fight." She says with a light blush going across her face as she walked in the cave making a nice clearing. Kylo was a little taken back by this clearly not expecting it, he then thought 'well she is interesting, and this should be something.' He thought walking into the cave behind her and helping her clear the area. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!                          

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