Chapter 1 - Let the best student win

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hope you enjoy reading this and tell me what you think! 


Rey was in the training room part of the ship where she would go everyday to complete a task, sent by her grandfather. Kylo ren was also in his training arena where Snoke would give him new task everyday to complete. Both of their schedule so similar because Palpatine would tell Snoke what to do for the boy. Then Palpatine  needed to have a word with Snoke about something of most importance. Palpatine shows up on a communication hologram in front of Snoke. 

"Hello my young padawan, how is your student doing?" Palpatine says in a raspy voice. 

"Hello my master, he has been doing really well." Snoke said while bowing his head to him. 

"Do you think it's time?" Palpatine said while tilting his head up. 

"As long as you believe it is master." Snoke said while looking up at him. 

"Prepare him to meet my granddaughter tomorrow and tell him his final test is waiting for him tomorrow, I'll send you the coordinates." Palpatine says before the hologram shuts off. 

(Ben's POV)  

I was punching my punching bag when Hux enters as I was barely paying attention to him.

"What do you want Hux?!" I said as I continued to punch the bag.  

"Supreme Leader requested you to see him." Hux said standing up straight and tilting his head up. 

"Ok." I said then went to my quarters to put on my regular uniform.  

I then walk down the hall into the supreme leaders thrown room. It's one of the safeties places on this ship. As soon as I walk in I see Snoke sitting on his thrown, I kneel in front of him and I have my head down. 

"Ah my faithful apprentice, I have something for you to do." He said to me with a smirk on his face. 

"Yes, Supreme Leader?" I said though my helmet. 

"I need you to go to Takodana. There is a map to one of the resistance base their and I want you to retrieve it and bring it to me."  He said in a serious tone which made me listen carefully. 

"I will not fail you, Supreme Leader." I said as I looked up at him. 

"I know you wont, you may leave now." He said as he waved his hand at me. I got up and walked though the door, this should be interesting.    

(Rey's POV)

I'm in my room and not having the best time right now everything I've gone though is going though my head, I need to remember everything to be able to keep my hatred up and never fall victim to the light side. I start to breath heavily until I feel another presence with me, I look around and don't understand it, I sense no one was in my room, yet I still feel a familiar presence. That's weird but I am pulled my thoughts I hear a knock at my door, and then walked up to it, then open it and see a guard standing up straight. He tells me that my grandfather wants to see me, right now. So I start walking and all the guards stand up straight and saluted me as I passed by, being an empress after all. I walk to my grandfathers thrown and kneel right in front of him. 

"Ah my faithful grandchild. I have a task for you to do." He said in a quite voice. 

"Of course master, what will my task be?" I said in a determined voice. 

"I need you to go to Takodana. There is a map to one of the resistance base their and I want you to retrieve it and bring it to me." He said in a tone which made me listen carefully, I look up and nod. 

"As you wish grandfather." I said as I got up and looked at him with a evil smirk, showing off my fangs. 

"Very good, you may leave now." He said with a weak wave of the hand, I bow then walk away, even though I may not show it I despise my grandfather, he killed my parents, he's made me feel weak and pathetic whenever I would do something "wrong" but it did toughen me up and I'm glad. Anyways I have a feeling this is going to be interesting. 

I know it's short, but I hoped you enjoyed it anyway!

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