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the long awaited day had finally come, your attention was caught by the pretty chirps of birds beside your window; a change from using the screaming in hell and obnoxious cawing of crows to keep focus if you had started daydreaming again.

getting changed, you looked for more mobile clothing, you had no idea what UA was planning for the entrance exams.

true, you could have gotten anyone to slip in an anonymous recommendation for you; but you wanted the full experience, start to finish.

tugging up simple but stretchy black leggings and a small tee. you smiled and cheered to yourself. 'finally going to UA!'

you had lots of time to spare, as you didn't need breakfast and it was still early, the birds had just woken after all.

using the time normal humans would have used to sleep, you were awake googling new trends and downloading social media.

'instagram.. I need a username! hm,' my thoughts buzzing with excitement at the thought of making new friends and posting stories and photos with them.

'how about.. @anqely/n!' you laughed at the pun and that you would now make everything angel related.

checking the time, you slip on a pair of sneakers and excitedly walk through the door, heading for UA.


strolling your way to the entrance your in awe of how much society has changed since they first discovered quirks. you stop and watch all the half animal, half humans; a particular crow catching your eye.

demons sometimes took the forms of animals, crows being a particular favorite.

you smiled as you watched a girl stop a bushy haired boy from tripping by stopping him in mid-air. 'so cool!' you thought.

your grin only grew wider the more you saw. 'everyone looks so.. exotic!' you were excited to see what else would come next.

suddenly you sniffed a familiar scent, a smell of someone you knew. "kirishima!" you called and waved to the redhead you managed to track from the crowd.

"hi y/n! I'm really excited for today!" he walked over towards you.

"me too! I just can't wait for it to start!" you bounced on the balls of your feet, still drinking in your surroundings.

the two of you walked in together, chatting and sharing smiles.

sitting down in the auditorium, you watch pro hero present mic explain the practical exam.

'his hair is so.. so cool!' you couldn't wipe the smile off your face, every corner you turned there was something new to marvel or gape at.


you stood outside the grounds for the practice exam. your eyes scanned around you, looking at all the others you had to compete with. you saw the same bushy haired boy, everyone seemed to be looking at him with pity or glee. glee that there was one less person they thought they would have to compete with, that is.

your ears twitched as you heard present mics booming load voice yelling, "okay start! what's wrong? there's no countdowns in real fights!"

watching the large gates holding the city-like exam grounds opening and everyone charging in, you waited, watching the mass of them run off.

you looked to the side and saw the same bushy haired boy standing there, he looked a bit shocked. you felt a little bad for him, he had been called out during the orientation for muttering. luck just wasn't on his side, sighing you quickly run after the others with your swift speed.

searching with your ears for robots was much faster than with your eyes, you could hear the metal clanking together and the destructive noises coming from the other students.

taking a deep breath, your ruby red eyes glint diabolically; a new grin stretches on your face. a sadistic, unkind smile.

and you were off, like the wind. In a blink of an eye, you were gone. the wind whooshing behind you, your feet rarely meeting the ground.

you skidded to a halt at the first sign of a robot. using your feet, you propelled yourself into the air, smashing the robot in the face.

'a two pointer! not bad.' your brain thought, almost not even in control of your body; it moved on its own, naturally kicking, punching and dodging where needed, at whirlwind of speed and agility.

rarely stopping to help others in need, you were a blur of colors. nobody could see you clearly.

the other contestants looked as if they were moving in slow motion, you were accelerated almost fifty times faster than them.

after your fiftieth robot, you stopped to pay more attention to your surroundings, although you were almost always aware of everything going on around you; allowing you to multitask easily.

you stopped and your mouth opened when you saw the zero-pointer. marveling at the enormous mechanical robot, you gasped as your eyes zeroed in on a rising green blur and a girl in the distance, distinguishing them as the two you saw at the entrance.

your eyes wide in adoration, you watched the bushy-haired boy rised and punching the giant robot, it toppling and collapsing in a heap of smoke.

'he's going to be a great hero, sacrificing himself for the girl below,' your head gushed with praise.

'i want to go to school with him, with a power like that, he's going to make it in, right?' you thought while pivoting around to destroy more robots.

'he has to make it in, and so do i,' you thought finally, turning your attention back to the one-pointer infront of you.

"aaand.. times up!" you look around you, wondering how the others had done. some looked victorious, some a little defeated.

over to your side, you saw the green haired boy collapsed on the ground. watching everything eagerly, you spectate as an old lady known as recovery girl gave out candies and kisses.

you smiled as you munched on a particularly hard candy and recollected your memories, recounting the amount of points you had gotten.

'sixty-seven points' you swiftly came to a conclusion.

'not bad.. not bad at all!'

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝘿𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙇, bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now