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looking out the window; the sky is a bright blue hue, the Sun shines down on the delivery man walking back to his truck after finishing yet another delivery.

with a buoyant smile you think, 'my entrance exam results are here!'

dashing to the elevator on your floor, you had downwards to the condo's many mailboxes.

twisting the rusting key, your eyes land on a small envelope sitting alone in the empty metal box.

grabbing it, you happily bound back upstairs.


"congrats!" the holographic all might boomed at you. pursing your lips, your eyes rake over the ranking of names.

you had gotten 2nd, with a total of 75 points, right behind somebody named bakugou katsuki.

to be honest, you could have destroyed every robot there if you wanted to and had unsealed; but you didn't like showing off and decided to try to act more.. average.

'wow, 77 points with no rescue points at all? that's strange.' your eyes travel farther downwards. a proud smile graced your face as you see kirishima right behind you, with a total of 74.

'great! we basically tied! I hope we'll be in the same class!'

watching the hologram all might was alright, but you were all too excited to see him in person.

your head gushing with happiness you flop down onto your large, plush bed and think about what your school experience was going to be like.


it was seven o clock, after reading book after book mindlessly you finally decide to get up from the chair on the corner of the room where you had sat unmoving for the past nine hours.

cracking your stiff bones soundlessly you take also soundless footsteps over to the small walk-in closet.

sifting through the array of soft colours to dark deeper tones, your fingers stop as they reach a certain fabric.

pulling out a soft grey blazer and green skirt, you get dressed slowly, you had almost too much time to spare.

with a happy sigh, you lace your heavy combat boots. true, they weren't practical and they weren't the assigned brown shoes. you had mainly picked them because they slowed you down.

during no quirk combat, you didn't want to unintentionally kill a student; so you wore boots weighing in at almost double your body weight.

you swing your small backpack over your shoulders and head out the door and down the elevator to be met by a chauffeur waiting for you.

you could tell right away he was not simply just a chauffeur, his scent was a dead giveaway.

"your father sent me l/n-san, I will be taking you to school," his voice was silky smooth, perfect for convincing a foolish mortal into signing a contract.

you didn't care if he was a random kidnapper, even if he was you wouldn't be scared.

you were scared of almost nothing, nobody could kill you, and you could have almost anyone command your bidding and sentence them a life of living death.

the enchanting chauffeur pointed his gloved hands towards a sleek, shiny car. you nod gratefully and skip gleefully to the car chanting, 'im going to UA!' over and over in your head.


you wander the spacious hallway in search of class 1-A. finally stopping infront of a large door, you smile in anticipation.

your ears could pick up loud yelling, although to the average human the sound-proof walls would provide a dense silence.

'wow, first day of school!' you cheered in your head. you sniffed the air. there was a few familiar scents. one was kirishima, the other was the green-haired boy. you were happy he made it in and the both of them were in your class. but there was a particularly dominant scent.. the smell of caramel?

upon closing your eyes and sniffing again you recognized it as the explosive nitroglycerin. 'an explosive quirk?'

you open your eyes and push the door open. immediately the yelling is amplified by what seemed to be a hundred times. your sensitive eardrums are bursting with the sound of yelling, laughter and overall chatter.

the students all look at you for a few seconds and turn back to their conversation. you recognize almost all of them from the orientation, you had scanned the seated crowd then bad memorized all of the faces, but the many muddling scents at the orientation were too much for you to decipher and pair with a face.

there were a few students in the room you had never seen before. a pretty girl with a black, voluminous ponytail and a boy with half and half hair.

grinning, you whip your head around and bounce happily over to a familiar fiery haired boy.

"kirishima! I'm so happy we're in the same class!" you cheer as your ears were still readjusting.

"yeah me too! nice job on the entrance exams, very manly!" he beams at you as well.

you laugh at his choice of words and congratulate him on third place as well.

suddenly, you hear something approaching the door, but nobody else had picked up on it.

it wasn't exactly the thud of footsteps, it was more of.. a sliding against the ground?

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝘿𝙀𝙑𝙄𝙇, bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now