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MJ looked around her living room, sipping her cup of warm green tea. Flash was restless, his knee bobbing up and down, hungry for action. Gwen's eyes were glued to her laptop, typing away at whatever she was working on since her father's death. Harry was between the two of them, his eyes darting side to side. All in all, MJ knew today was going to be a long day,

"You're all wondering why I called you all here, but before we begin, tea anyone?" MJ said, breaking the silence,

"No, but do you have any Redbull?" Gwen asked,

"What's with you and that laptop?" Flash asked,

"It's none of your business, you-"

"I have Redbull," Mary Jane quickly stood up from her seat, "No hostilities here, okay?"

"What are we doing here MJ?" Harry asked as MJ quickly rushed in and out of the kitchen, handing Gwen the energy drink, "I have to pack my bags for Europe soon again."

"You and Europe, what's with that place Harry?" Gwen asked,

"My dad just wants me to get the best education, and Midtown just ain't cutting it."

"Well," MJ started, "I called you all here because we all need to be better friends, not to just each other, but to Peter too."

"Parker?" Flash said, "Newsflash, MJ, but me and that dweeb haven't been friends whatsoever."

"Yeah, and he hasn't talk to me for weeks!" Harry then cocked his head to the side, "Hey, where is Pete anyways?"

The Tinkerer's Workshop is a small repair shop in Queens, with a small counter area and a large garage in the back. To the side of it was a small deli and Thai restaurant. Across the street was a familiar red and black spandex hero, who was just about done with the Master Planner and his devious schemes,

"Alright, go in there, question Mason, get the info, and head out. Easy as pie!" Spidey then chuckled to himself, "Famous last words." Leaping towards the building, Spider-Man crept into the Workshop. I've crawled through windows, vents, and warehouses, and even though my Spider Sense isn't picking anything up, something about this place is giving me the creeps. Spidey looked through his large, sharp glass eyes, and didn't see any windows or entrances into the garage of the Workshop, Guess it's the front entrance for me, though I do love to ring that bell on the counters

The door to the store had a closed sign on it, but a quick budge and spider strength helped the wallcrawler in. Inside were many knick knacks that could make RadioShack blush: Wires, screws, radio parts, microwave parts, just about any parts for household appliances. Behind the counter was a door that lead to the garage, Okay Peter, just breath, you know there will be a trap or some doodad that will make today REALLY painful, but you got this! Peter then hopped over the counter and noticed that the door was locked with a number pad below the doorknob, with a red light coming from the top, Great... Maybe there's a clue around here.

On the door, there was a sign: DON'T PANIC, in bold, red font. So, this Tinkerer is a nerd, huh? That means... Spidey then typed in the code: 42. Instantly, the red light became green, and the doorknob turned, Now who's the worthless nerd Flash? Alright Spidey, here goes nothing!

"Okay, okay, look MJ," Harry said, "I know everyone here has been distant from Peter, but the guy's a loner! He doesn't like large crowds or being popular!"

"That doesn't mean we should just ignore him when he's been there for us! Like Flash, he has every reason to hate you, yet he tutored you!"

"Yeah, that was cool of Parker, I got my grade up!"

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