In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle...

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Peter watched the news as Jameson barked aloud on the TV,

"I know many of you claim that Spider-Man is innocent from the crimes the Chameleon committed, but that doesn't excuse how this masked vigilante gives a way for criminals to hide! I believe, true believers, that this so called, 'Master Planner' and Spider-Man are working together!" Peter groaned from what Jameson said, and turned off the TV, God... Is he right? Do I make things worse by being Spider-Man?

Peter walked down the hallways of school, when Flash showed up next to his locker, wearing a Spider-Man t-shirt, "Sup Parker?"

"What do you want Flash? Want to give me another wedgie?" Peter then eyed up at his tormentor,

"Look, I know that I do those kinds of things, but..."

"But what?"

"I kinda need help man!" Peter looked at Flash with fake worry,

"Oh no, the big dumb jock now needs the help from the nerd he's been giving swirlies to since the 5th grade? Yeah, no way!" Peter walked down the hallway,

"Please man! They're gonna take me off the football team if I don't raise my grades, my dad's gonna kill me!"

"Not my-" Peter paused, and he remembered the last time he said those three words, Not my problem, and remembered how it cost him so much, "... UGH, FINE!"

"What, really?" Flash said,

"Yes, alright! I'm tutoring Harry after schools on days that I don't go to ESU, and-"

"Osborn? No way!" Flash held his arms out, "That loser tried to date my girl Liz! Not gonna happen in a million years, Parker!"

"First of all, my name is Peter, second my schedule is packed already, so either you tutor with Harry or you don't get tutored at all, got it?" Peter felt extremely happy, a feeling he hasn't felt in a long time, to finally corner Flash instead of the other way around,

"... FINE!!! I'll meet you on Wednesday, but just know your no where near as cool as this guy!" Flash then pointed at the spider emblem on his chest. Peter then turned around to see Gwen scowl at Flash,

"Hey Gwen, how are-"

"Of course that knuckle head is a fan of a murderer! God, how can he get any worse?"

"Gwen, it was an-"

"Oh sure, Chameleon dressed up as Spider-Man, but he wouldn't have if there was no Spider-Man! And to think my boyfriend would agree with me on that!" Gwen then stormed off, leaving Peter alone, Great... what's the deal with blondes and Spider-Man?

Spider-Man finished up webbing some crooks for the police when he sensed something thrown at him,

"What the-" With quick speed, Spidey caught a water bottle, thrown by a old lady,

"Get out of here you freak!"

"Yeah!" Another person spoke up, "No one wants ya here, ya mutant!"


"Oh yeah?" Spider-Man said, "Then maybe you should do my job! I swear, your all jaded!" Spidey then swung away from the scene, towards ESU, No one likes me anymore, not since that Chameleon dude impersonated me. Jameson still has that 5 million dollar bounty on me, Gwen hates my guts, and now I have to work at the ESU lab alone.

Spider-Man crept through an alley, and changed back into Peter Parker, I wonder if I should stop being Spider-Man? Stop being, "New York's Most Neurotic Superhero!" But if I stop, I won't use my powers to do good for the city! If I'm not a superhero, people will get hurt due to my negligence! Peter opened the doors into ESU, and clocked in, Huh, Octavius isn't here today, nor is Gwen, Peter then sighed and closed his eyes, She still thinks Spider-Man killed her father, and I can't really blame her for it. How can I be good to her and keep her out of Spider-Man's business when her dad died because of Spider-Man!?! Peter walked towards the lab, but before he could put his hand on the handle, his spider sense roared with danger ahead.

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