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basically you can look however you want. i don't specify anything in this except your a girl and your tall

. . .

I walk through the corridors, ignoring all the aspiring hero's who surround me. I don't even know why I'm here.

I know I shouldn't, as does everyone else in 1A, my class. I can't stand being here either. With my villains quirk and my past it's no wonder no one will even talk to me.

As I walk my head hangs low, I try and ignore the whispers and insults thrown at me behind my back.

You'd think it would stop after weeks and weeks.

But it hasn't.

I don't mind though, I know I deserve it. I'm a bully and I can never come back from that.

. . .

(6 years ago, 9 years old)

"What are you doing your disgusting!" I look over at these two girls in my class, who kissed each other behind the school.

It was only a little peck, it was probably just something that they didn't think about, you know kid stuff.

I stalked over to them, fear evident in their eyes. I reach over and grab the wrist of one of them, pulling each of them away from each other.

"Your so gross! Your both girls you can't do that!" I start yelling things at them.

Watching and not stopping as they both burst into tears. Not stopping though I keep throwing insults at them, it's what I saw my mum do when she saw girls kiss.

When I saw them kiss, I felt something inside me shift. Whether it was anger or jealousy I just let it all out.

After a while I see a teacher come running around the corner, with the quirkless kid deku by her side.

I'm pulled away from the two girls as I watch him go over and comfort them.

Stupid Deku

. . .

Until I left my school I was an outcast, a bully.

People would stay away from me all the time, usually because of my attitude and personality.

I never really stopped being a bully. People though started siding with Deku though, whenever I called him quirkless I would be immediately attacked (verbally) by other students.

Even Katsuki stopped being mean to Deku, and I always saw them hanging out after school when they thought no one was looking.

I hate my life.

And I couldnt change a thing.

Well, I was friends with Katsuki though, even though no body knew. He was the only one that knew I might have a side other than my mean one.

. . .

(Age 15)

"Midoriya and Bakugou are the only ones here going to apply for UA!"

The class erupts in cheers, it was one of the last days at school and everyone already had the schools they wanted to go too.

Of course Katsuki would try and get into UA, but Deku? I shook my head, of course he isn't going to make it, he's quirkless for gods sake!

I pull tighter on my hoodie strings, though it looks very gentle my quirk enhances everything about me.

It's called Demons Heart.

It basically enhances everything about me giving me superhuman strength, stamina, the whole shebang.

Though now I have 2 black horns on the top of my head, they are the length of my hand and have a very curvy shape, I also have pitch black eyes.

I can't look people in the eyes anymore, I've been called a villain too many times.

I watch as the class starts to trickle out of the room, everyone crowding Katsuki and Deku as they walk out.

I watch as Katsuki quickly glances back at me, I just look away.

He's not going to have to deal with me for much longer.

. . .

I watch as tiny dots race across the road down below, distant horns honking, people walking maroons through the night streets.

It's my favourite spot in the whole city.

A rooftop I found as I was wandering from down below, when I saw it I knew that I wanted to see the view from above.

I walk closer to the edge and hang my feet down, watching them swing left to right over and over again, like a ticking clock

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I walk closer to the edge and hang my feet down, watching them swing left to right over and over again, like a ticking clock.

I close my eyes and stand up again.

This was it. In my pocket we're 2 messages, one titled to Katsuki and the other to Deku...Midoriya.

I know I should never be able to say that name, I don't deserve too. But I at least want to try and say sorry.

I look down but I turn around again as I hear a noise. Thanks to my enhanced hearing (my senses are enhanced too).

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing?" I immediately say, I prefer to get straight to the point.

"What are you doing?" The person, who sounds like a tired male responds back to me.

"None of your fuckin' business so step out and show me who you are"

I watch as he steps out from around the side of the stair entry. And I immediately know who it is.

Pro underground hero Eraserhead.

One of the only people I actually admirer and look up too. Holding in all of my questions I turn back away.

"I feel something about you" he says, I watch through my peripheral vision as he turns back to look the way he came from.

"It's not evil." My hands go to my horns that are on my head, and I close my eyes slightly.

"How would you like to be officially recommended to go to UA?"

And that's how, strangely enough a pro hero, known for his dislike of people in general got me into UA.

And it was that moment, that I decided that I should live for a little longer. For now.

. . .

978 words

(OLD) pessimistic - tsuyu x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now