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After the speech Kat was panting trying to regain his breath. The class was speechless. He just defended someone who he calls his friend?

I feel something wrap around my waist, looking down I see it's Asui's tongue. I look up to see her standing at the door.

For a second I take in the beauty of her, how she always looks graceful even though she's got a massive ass tongue sticking out of her mouth.

But in an instant I'm being pulled there.

The door is slammed shut as it was closed from the inside, must of been Aizawa or Kat. He will probably explain everything to them.

I look to my left at Asui, who was leaning against my shoulder, tears in her eyes. Wait..she is crying? Oh shit I made her cry dammit!

I pull her closer to me, so she's sitting on my lap with her legs wrapped around my back. I feel my shirt dampen a little with her tears.

"I'm so so sorry best girl... I wanted to tell you but I thought that I would just burden you with all of my stupid problems."

I feel more tears come to my eyes, I've cried way too much today.

"No don't say that. You don't need to keep secrets anymore or listen to what other people say kero.

You and I will be together because I love you and I don't care what other people think about us."

I squeeze her tighter after this. I've always wanted this before. Someone who loves me. Who will care for me.

I'm going to love her with all my heart and I'm not going to give a shit about what other people want. It's going to be a long and hard road for both of us.

"I love you Asui."

I'm not going to let other people and what they think define the rest of my life.

People can change, just like things change with enough time. I'm going to make things right with everyone.

"I love you too (yn)."

And I'm going to start by saying sorry to Midoriya.

. . .

I look at the entrance to UA, next to me is Asui who is looking at me, a small smile on her lips as she stares at me.

Yesterday we got the rest of the day off because of what happened and then when Kat came back he told us all about what happened.

He and Aizawa explained everything and were told to not tell anyone outside of class about what happened to me.

But he said that they all went around saying how strong and caring I was instead.

When I heard that I couldn't help but smile a little bit. Slowly I was becoming friends with people that don't look at me like I'm a villain.

He also said that they found out it was Mineta and Aizawa expelled him because he already had too many warnings.

I look to my right where my best gurl is standing. Looking so peaceful and comfortable standing by my side. I build up my courage and grab her hand in mine.

Though we may be different in height and many other things, were going to tackle this school together.

. . .

For once I didn't feel as bad walking through the halls of UA than I have every other time.

People still stared at me and whispered. But I also heard words of encouragement and words that were directed at me, but not with anger or disgust.

Having Asui by my side made it all so much better.

As we reach the massive doors leading into our class I look one last time at Asui, before bending down and quickly kissing her on the lips.

It was only quick, as I'm not into initiating public affection. But I already feel a blush ravaging my cheeks. Looking at her, she's way more calm then me.

I can't move as she suddenly pulls my head down and stands on her tippy toes as she gives me a proper kiss on the lips.

Smiling she opens the doors and walks into the classroom.

"What the fuck!" I curse myself for saying it aloud. I was so confused I don't know what I'm doing.

Still partly in a daze I walk through the swinging doors behind her, I feel the eyes of the students bore into me.

But instead I ignore them and follow right behind Tsu, who walks straight to the Deku squad.

She tugs on my hand and I have the confidence to look at their shoes. I still can't look at their faces.

"I'm so s-sorry." I look down further as I bow to Midoriya. I feel the class become quieter. Now everyone's attention is on me.

"It's ok! I forgive you, and thanks for all the All Might plushies and figurines you got for me!" I look up from my bowed state.

Only high enough to quickly look him in the eyes, but long enough to see the pure forgiveness and kindness he possesses.

After that the class starts to talk again, falling back into their casual conversations.

A blast is heard before I can say anything else and Kat bursts into the room, looking really angry.

He doesn't stop walking though, he stomps straight up to me.

"Did you eat my fucking spicy cake?" Literal steam is coming from his ears and his face expresses pure rage.

I sigh, I've done this too many times before.

"I ate your fucking cake you cake hoe" the class is shocked into silence as Kat let's of more explosions and says incoherent swears.

Annoyed that he ruined a nice moment, I lift up my hand and bring it down on his head.

"OW!" He screeches, falling to the floor. I look at him and give him my evil eyes, then he glares back at me, but goes over to the Baku-squad.

"How did you do that?!" I look over to the broccoli who asked the question. I suddenly realise that I was in the classroom.

I try to speak but I don't know what to say, but I feel Asui's hand snake into mine. I smile softly, it's nice to know she's there for me.

"Excuse me but I don't think we have formally met yet. I'm Tenya Iida." I look over at robot sonic who just said hi.

"O-oh I'm (yn) but I already know all of your names."

I curse myself for stuttering slightly, but it doesn't even seem like any of them even cared that I did.

"Really? Our full names?"

Oh shit. I meant nicknames dammit. But I nod anyway still to nervous to admit defeat.

I lift up my hand and look down at everyone's shoes, not wanting to look them in the eyes.

"Sonic, floaty, Colgate, broccoli and Asui."

I hear them all crack up laughing, except for Iida who starts rambling on that he isn't a hedgehog. I even see emotionless over there crack a smile.

"Hey how come Tsu has her real name?!" I listen as they argue and laugh with one another.

Maybe UA isn't going to be as bad as I thought it was. I might make some friends this time around.

Looking down I see Asui look back up at me smiling her adorable dorky frog smile.

This might not be so bad.

. . .

1287 words
wow if you got this far thanks for ready my lil short story.

ive has this idea for a while because i keep dreaming of it so i actually decided to get my lazy ass brain moving for something different.

thanks for taking time and reading this weird thing


(OLD) pessimistic - tsuyu x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now