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i'm bored so i will be rating ships
(just want to say i'm only at the beginning of legacy so anything after that i don't know about)

keep in mind that I am a multishipper and think all the pairings are cute

i am also biased towards dex ships because he is my favorite character

i also don't care about whether or not it would be / is canon
i ship it if i think the characters work well together

Sokeefe | 8/10

I think this is a fantastic ship. I think their interactions are really sweet. They work well together. Sophie has confided many times in Keefe, as well as Keefe confiding in Sophie. Sophie helps bring out the best in Keefe.

The only problem I have with this ship is that Keefe has done many things to hurt Sophie, yet she's forgiven him every time. I love Keefe but that's kind of unhealthy. Other than that this is one if my top ships.

Sophitz | 7/10

I used like this ship just as much as I like Sokeefe. Fitz and Sophie are cute together, but something about it is just, eh. They work well together and they get along great, but, I feel like this ship is lacking something.

I think it's a good ship, but, there are parts where I'm unsure. I sense that Sophie would feel insecure in this relationship, plus there's the whole matchmaker dilemma. If they were a bad match I don't think Fitz would want to stay in a relationship with her.

Other than that it's a good ship, just kind if plain.

Sodex | 6/10

I don't really have many problems with this ship. I shipped in the first few books. They're cute together. I love that Dex would get all embarrassed around her. This ship would provide nice fluff.

My only problem is that some people (my friend specifically) might think it's weird because they're adoptive cousins.

Overall cute ship.

Sophiana | 8.5/10

I love this ship. I think it's so cute. Their dynamic is cute, their personalities mesh well together. I love them as both best friends and as girlfriends.

The only reason this isn't a 10/10 is because I live their friendship and feel like their cute as bffs. This is one of my top ships. Overall, I love it.

Sophlinh | 6/10

It's a cute ship. I don't ship it that much, especially because of Sophie's feelings towards Fitz and how she's kind of jealous of Linh.

It could be cute. They're both soft girls and I feel like this ship would provide very cute fluff. Overall nice ship.

Marellinh | 9/10

I love this ship. Fire and Water. It's the definition of opposites attract. They would be so cute. I love the idea of Marella being over protective of her. It's a very cute ship. Overall, one of my top ships. No complaints.

Wylinh | 7/10

I shipped this a lot at first but then Marellinh kinda took over. I like how Linh helped Wylie and Prentice. I think this is a cute ship. I also like how Wylie is protective of her. I don't have much to say about it. Overall it's a nice ship, just kinda plain in my opinion.

Marellex | 5/10

I don't know why I don't like this ship? I'm a multishipper so I ship pretty much everything, but I'm not a big fan of this ship. I like their friendship and their dynamic is nice, but I feel like this is just a "leftovers" ship. (Not to hate on anyone who ships it, that's just my general consensus) Overall, not my favorite.

Bianex | 7/10

Cute ship. It's not my favorite though. I would prefer them with other people and prefer their friendship. I love the idea of them being chaotic bffs. They have many cute moments. Overall I like this ship.

Keefex | 10/10

Folks. Welcome to my favorite ship. Words cannot express how much I like this ship. Their dynamic is perfect. I love when Keefe calls him Dexy. They've had so many cute moments and I love them together.

I like the idea of them becoming close friends and then they just, fall in love. Overall, this is the best ship in my eyes.

Fedex | 9/10

I love this ship (Dex is my favorite character so I love any ship with him in it lol). I like how they started out as "enemies". I feel like it adds spice to the ship.

They could be really cute. I like them together a lot. I feel like they would also look super cute together. Enemies to lovers type beat. Overall, a very nice ship.

Keefitz | 7/10

Not a bad ship. Before I started reading this series my friend would tell me about it. She told me about the whole thing with Sophie and how they both liked her and I had thought they hated each other. I was so surprised to find out they were best friends.

This honestly made me love them more. This is a cute ship but personally I prefer them as friends. Overall, not bad.

Kam | 9/10

I love this ship. They're so alike in many ways and similar to Fedex, I like the "enemies" to lovers idea. I feel like their dynamic is fantastic. They could be so cute. I think Tam would help ground Keefe and Keefe would help Tam let loose. They would be so good together.

Tam would also make sure Keefe didn't do stupid stuff. They could talk about family stuff together and have someone to relate to. They would be so healthy for each other. Overall, a fantastic ship.

Bianlinh | 5/10

I don't have much to say. It's cute. They would be cute together. I don't have any problems with this ship but I also can't think of anything that makes me really ship them. Overall, decent ship.

I've probably forgotten so many ships...
Y'all should comment other ships for me to rate

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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