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Pain, oh dear pain
You crush me without remorse
Crumbling every line of defense in your path
Turning my eyes into a river

Pain, oh dear pain
I'm trying to scratch the surface
To see some happiness before dawn
To see the sun

Pain, oh dear pain
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
Choking me with the very air I breathe

Pain, oh dear pain
Crashing my walls
Moving through my body like a parasite
Making me a hostage in my own body
I'm trapped under my own skin
I'm fighting
I'm fighting
I'm fighting

Pain, oh dear pain
Excruciating is who you are
Crucial is what you are.

Pain, oh dear pain was written during a time where all hope was almost lost, was in serious pain even attempted suicide at some point, would literally cry myself to sleep at night. I came up with this poem at 4am in the morning and I was like damn I think I can write, so I showed it to a couple of people and they also loved. So, here I am writing for fun and the love of it, I really hope and sincerely pray you guys love it 😍 .
If you love pain, oh dear pain leave a vote and comment, if you hate it do the same or if you're in the middle, a little indecisive also do the same.
Thank you and God bless 😘💋
Oh and guys please no plagiarism!!!! 🥰
I want to dedicate this poem to faduuls not just because she's the first to comment but also she was there for me during this time. Girl you did something for me that I will never forget and I just want to say thank you and God bless you 😘💋

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