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Please read in dark mode.


For your vibe and your smile I don't mind a lil' rain

I guess the light I see in you is what you see in me

|  zaiyre 'merkz' thiago charleston |

somewhere in south London

20 years old

| (n e x t) t h u r s d a y |

11 pm, THE EARTH'S BLANKET WAS NOW A DARK BLUE, IT COULD ALMOST BE MISTAKEN FOR THE SHADE BLACK IF LOOKED AT WITH A QUICK GLANCE, THE BALLS OF LIGHT TWINKLED IN THE NIGHT SKY, ACCOMPANIED BY THE MOON. The moon left a gleam in 'Merkz's' eyes, as his green orbs lingered up into the atmosphere devoid of any emotion, he sat in his range reclined in the drivers seat, counting stars, looking at constellations.

 Burner in hand waiting on his right hand.

In the crisp, merciless, unforgiving air Merkz spotted a blurry distinctive figure, going directly to his blacked out vehicle. Reaching into the backseat of his car the trench coat figure climbed in and was ready to answer all of Merkz's questions.

"What you saying g?" he says quickly, trying to recover his breath after the harshness of the night air

"living, you?" Merkz said nonchalantly

"samo, samo" he said looking around, trying to keep an eye on his surroundings

"You got it?" Merkz asked in a factual tone, rather than a question

Trench coat took out the package from an inside pocket and gave it to him lowly, they never knew who could be watching. 

"hold it MZ"

Zaiyre  nodded, turned around and faced the front of his car again waiting for his friend of 7 years Kiaré(Kee-yar-ayto leave, it was funny how distant they had gotten, he still had love for him and vice versa but the road had changed them internally. He knew for sure things would never be the same again; images you cannot un-see, feelings you can't take away and damage unfixable

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