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Then I’ll sing for you
a lullaby
a rhapsody
a melody
with all the colours that you want
with all the colours in the world
with all the colours that you want.


The soft, high peals of laughter that erupted out of the child's mouth like a volcano was like music to Elizabeth's ears. She'd been isolated for so long in this lonely, irritating world. It was time for the exuberant lights that those would always gossip about - it was time for them to approach her. Her soul would finally be given, maybe not on a golden plate with a butler's slender hands keeping a firm grip onto it, maybe even with just a tap on the shoulder. She longed for a real life. One where she could forget the memories that cut into her flesh like scars, one where she could forget the pools of blood that worked like a river. One where the aching in her brain, where she felt like she was on fire, could be forgotten.

She was ready.


"Keep your fuckin' eyes on the road!" 

Elizabeth threw her best friend a look of annoyance. He was clearly too drunk to realise the shit that spurted out of his mouth. Ignoring him as he mumbled on, she kept her eyes trained on the road, her hands tight on the steering wheel. She was a very considerate driver and had only recently passed her test. Elizabeth felt pride well in her stomach as she took a quick glimpse at the interior of her Volkswagen Beetle. Her father had bought it her as a graduation present - she'd passed by miles. It made up for her isolating the rest of the world out, whilst she studied for hours and hours. All she'd done for months was breathe books. Study, eat, sleep. That'd been her routine. Thank god it was over.

If it weren't for Joe's shouts, then Elizabeth would have forgotten to of turned right. With a swish flick on the indicator, she swerved into the Davinci's Parking Lot. Despite having visited this neighbourhood numerous times - having been close with Petunia Davies (an extremely rich housewife) - Elizabeth was still in awe. 

"If your jaw drops anymore, it'd be touchin' the floor," Joe giggled, his breath reeking of alcohol. Elizabeth sent him the middle finger before she clambered out of the car. 

"Wait here, Joe." Without waiting for an answer from her obviously not sober friend, she made her way down the pathway to Petunia's three story house. With the help of the dim streetlights, she reached the blood red door (oh the irony!). Knocking smartly with her knuckles, she waited a beat.

The door opened slowly, as if reluctantly. Petunia's smiling face invaded Elizabeth's view, She dredged up a hesitant grin. "Hi, Petunia. I left my jacket here, could I go get it?"

Petunia didn't answer.

"Petunia?" It was then at that moment, Elizabeth knew something wasn't quite right. She felt a shiver up her spine. Her gaze fell on the rope wrapped tightly around Petunia's neck. She felt cold all over. The rope slowly snaked up to the shining chandalier. 

Elizabeth had stepped in something soggy. Glancing down, her eyes widened. "No.. no.." She backed away slowly, as the red liquid seeped closer. The smile on Petunia's face was frozen, twisted. It'd never leave her features. 

The man, clutching a bloody chainsaw, stepped out of the shadows. 


She thought it was just a dream. Nothing this gory happened in this neighbourhood, in this city. 

Boy, wasn't she wrong. The impossible became the possible and the dream became a nightmare.


Elizabeth backed away slowly, from the handsome yet psychotic stranger. His blonde curls, streaked with red (definitely not hair dye), ruffled in the gentle wind. His eyes glinted a malicious black. Elizabeth's dead grandmother had said you can always tell someone's emotions by looking them in the eye. This man's emotion was clear - murderous intermixed with crazy.

He walked closer, licking his lips as he took in the sight of his soon-to-be victim. Elizabeth stood rooted to the spot, not feeling anything, until her best friend's drunken shouts awakened her. 

"Oh my.. god!" the terror in her voice echoed around the otherwise silent street. Elizabeth turned around and ran to her car, blinded by fear. She groped her way through the darkness, her relief clear as her hand finally fell on her car door. She yanked it open, throwing herself inside. Joe stared back at her, still reeking of alcohol. He had no clue what was happening, and Elizabeth was envious. This memory was forever burnt in her mind.

The engine hummed to a start, and Elizabeth reversed as quickly as she could, her heart in her mouth. As she drove out of the parking lot, the man was stood in the street. The streetlights shone directly at him, and his white teeth glittered. His black eyes bored into Elizabeth's, giving a silent message.

He'd find her. 

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