Dragon Heart (Dream)~ Teaser

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This was it.

The End was here. We lost many on our way here... friends and family but their deaths wont be in vein.

For this was the end to our troubles. Once this dragon of tyranny was slain, we would be free once again. Free without fear of what's to come the next day, the next week, the next year... Hope lies with the death of the controller, the destroyer of our lives. All of us driven to points of no return. Meeting our demons along the way. This was the end... we would be able to live again.

"Y/N FOCUS!" I heard someone yell, I was instantly pulled back to reality, just in time to block an Enderman's attack. A loud thud echoed through my ears when the Endermans arms made contact with my shield. I then took my sword and stabbed the slender creature where its stomach should be. It let out a load screech as it died, dropping one of its enderpearls, which I gladly picked up. I took a quick glance at the battle field around me, George, Dream, and Sapnap were in one area close to the Dragon. Techno, Wilbur, Phil and Tommy fighting one cluster of Enderman; A6d, Bad, and Skeppy fought their own cluster. While me, Nikki, Alyssa, and Terra took care of our own group.(cuz we are badass!)
There was many of us scattered across the endstone floor.

I moved backwards till I felt another body hit mine, I was back to back with Terra, then Nikki and Alyssa made contact with us aswell, we were being surrounded by Enderman all of which were letting out their hideous screams. I grit my teeth as I listen to the painful sounds. "So are you ready to kick some ass?" I ask aloud not looking away from the creatures infront of us.

"What do you think this is, Kindergarten?" Alyssa responds, I scoff a little then giggle. I keep my sword steady infront of me, taking steady breathes as it felt like everything was beginning to slow down.

"Ready?" Terra asked aloud in a similar stance as me.

"Ready!" We yelled in unison as we all lunged forward to fight the few Enderman infront of each of us. We took them out swiftly also separating, I started to head for the Dream Team to help them out. George and Sapnap were both backed up against an obsidian tower, but I didnt see Dream anywhere near them. I threw my sword at one of the Enderman that was not letting up on Sapnap.

"Thanks N/n!" He says as he takes a few breaths of air. George was also able to kill the Enderman that was on him.

"No problem." I say as I pick up my sword from the ground.

"AAHHH" My head shot up toward the scream, it was Dream, the Dragon was biting Dream, it had his left arm in its jaw, someone shot an arrow before it was able to do any more damage to him. The dragon flew into the air away from him. He dropped his sword and fell to his knees clutching his arm in pain, I ran over to him, sliding as I tried to come to a stop.

"Are you okay?" I asked sounding dumb for even asking the obvious. 'He's not okay Y/n he's bleeding for fucks sake!' I mentally yelled at myself. He scoffed slightly but smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've seen worse days." He said looking to me giving me a reassuring smirk. A small smile spread on my lips as I looked at him, even though he had a mask over his eyes with that cute smiley face on it, I still looked at him hoping to make some sort of eye contact. I pulled out some bandages and quickly stopped the bleeding.

"Okay, ready?" I asked looking back at him.

"Always." He said confidently, then letting out a chuckle. He raised from his position, grabbing his sword once again. He put his other hand out for me to grab, I took it and stood with him.

"Dream! Y/n look out!" We heard George yell, we looked over and the Dragon was coming straight for us, we both jumped out of the way, I stood up instantly.


AND THATS IT FOLKS! I hope yall liked that, it's a new book idea I'm working on. BUT it's going to be a while before it actually comes out. I will be working on my main two books first but will slowly write this one as I work on those. And then I will post a chapter every week once I get most of the chapters written. I think yall will like it!💙 (also this is just a teaser because I've been super excited to write it!)

Also if you are an artist I'm going to need your help. I want to draw a cover for this book but my art skills have tanked immensely. I will give you credit for the book cover, if you create one. Dm me if you are intrested💙
I love you guys so much!!!!!!!!
P.s. I was just inspired to finish writing this little teaser so here you go, some sustenance!

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