Chapter 2

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"You're telling me someone held a gun to your head and you didn't think to tell me?"

Brooklyn laughed nervously as Charlie shouted at her in the nearly empty halls of Oceanview High. Charlie always drove them to school early so they could get a parking space before some other sleep deprived-joy deprived zombies took up all the spaces forcing him to park *gasp* on the street! His precious car on the street! How ridiculous! Charlie cared about his car so much that Brooklyn often teased him that he should just date the car instead but sometimes there was a little more to it than teasing....

"You could have been killed!"

Brooklyn pushed a stray hair behind her ear, "but I wasn't!" She said with a laugh.

For some reason she thought it was best not to tell anybody about Agent 2108, even those she loved and trusted the most, just to be safe. She knew Charlie would never hurt her, he once apologised for a full hour after throwing a teddy bear at her. She knew that he wasn't behind what was going on but she didn't want to worry him. Charlie looked so sweet and innocent as he leaned against the blue lockers, his elf like features dripping with worry as he searched Brooklyn's face for any sign of injury.

"I know and I'm so grateful because who else would let me eat the pickles off their burger?" His lips twitched into a smile, "it makes me laugh though, just the image of you punching him and bolting."

Charlie laughed at the mental image of delicate, little Brooklyn punching an armed man and running away; Brooklyn laughed at the fact that he had bought that lie so easily.

"Who did you punch, Brook?" Kyle's condescending voice bellowed from the other end of the hall and Brooklyn's face reddened as the few other people there turned to look at her. Charlie felt her grip on his arm tighten.

"Brooklyn." She corrected through gritted teeth, even the sight of him made her skin crawl. His stupidly perfect hair, his stupid biceps, triceps and every other sort of 'ceps', his annoyingly handsome face. Ew.

He was followed by his usually posse of just as shallow jocks and girls that wore so much perfume that it made Brooklyn gag, it wasn't even nice perfume it just smelt cheap and probably was made from dog urine at least she hoped it was, the idea of these plastic idiots spraying dog pee on them made her so unbelievably happy. The girl who was clinging to his arm was blonde and had the bluest eyes she had ever seen, they looked like someone had replaced her human eyes with sapphires but other than that she looked like every other girl that he had hanging off his arm, it seemed to be a new one every week and Brooklyn couldn't care enough to learn their names.

" I asked you a question, Brook. Who. Did. You. Punch." He repeated and of course his minions all laughed, the girl with the blue eyes more than any of them. It was actually quite sad, Brooklyn was embarrassed for her. Kyle glanced over his leather clad shoulder, his smirk stretching as he got the reaction he wanted from his posse. "Or are you lying because there is nothing really interesting about you?"

"Shut up, Kyle! I'm sure there is someone who is dying to be graced by your presence but they are not here. Goodbye." The owner of the voice pushed past Kyle and linked her elbow with Brooklyn's. Word of advice: never mess with Dae Kim.

Kyle, of course, didn't give up because the idea that someone didn't want him around was foreign to him and impossible for him to comprehend. "I just want to know what poor soul little Brook tried to take on," he smirked, "so?" He ran his fingers through his dark hair, Brooklyn was sure someone found this attractive but she just couldn't see past his ugly personality.

Dae twirled a strand of shiny, black hair around her finger and the long painted nail, "and I just want to know why you are still here?" she said sweetly.

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