Chapter 10

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"Charlie!" Brooklyn cried. Just as she was about to jump down and run after him a hand pulled her back.

"Let me," Axel insisted.

Axel and Kyle both jumped off the block and sprinted to where Charlie had fallen, leaving Brooklyn and Dae stranded block.

"Well, I'm not staying here like some damsel in distress!" Brooklyn protested as she jumped off the rock too, landing on the ground with a thud. She was glad she wore her boots today instead of her usual sandals - anyone who has ever tried to run in sandals will understand and if you haven't you should try it but don't blame me when you end up falling flat on your face.

Dae followed her and used Brooklyn for support as she jumped off it too, she didn't land with as much grace as Brooklyn but she still landed all the same, "why is it that boys think they are so much stronger than girls?" Dae asked, "all you have to do is say 'period' and they go running!"

Brooklyn and Dae started running to the rock. They didn't get very far until Brooklyn felt the ground slip away from underneath her and heard Dae scream.

"Brooklyn! It's him!" Dae yelled excitedly, "and we are flying!"

She was right. It was him. Agent had a girl in each arm and was flying them in the opposite direction to the rock.

He landed and met Brooklyn's eyes, "stay here," he commanded before flying back towards the rock again.

"We're not actually going to stay here right?" asked a still flustered Dae. She had been fangirling over the new Hero for weeks and had actually started a fanpage for him on Instagram and now she had finally met him, she couldn't wait to post about how he saved her later. Yes, she loved him but that doesn't mean she was going to listen to him!

Brooklyn really didn't want to stay here, she wanted to go and help him but she wasn't stupid. Of course Dae didn't know that there was an assassin after Brooklyn and they probably would have killed her already if it wasn't for the idiot in spandex who had just saved her life, yet again. Brooklyn had spent her life reading books and watching movies and it was always the same story, the boy saves the girl and she was sick of it. Why couldn't the girl ever save the boy? She didn't want to be a pathetic princess who just sat around and waited for her knight in shining armour (or spandex) but it was hard to not be when the boy had years of intense training and a super suit and the girl had nothing but a few self defence lessons and good intentions. As much as she hated it she knew it was best to just sit here and not die, for Agent's sake. She knew they would just get in the way and as much as she hated the stereotype of damsel in distress she hated when the under qualified character would run in and try to help but would just make matters worse more. She would rather be a damsel than a nuisance.

"I think we better listen to him, Dae," she sighed, "we'd just get in the way, he doesn't need any more people to save."

So Dae and Brooklyn sat down on the gravelly ground and leaned against the wall that he had hid them behind. Neither of them spoke but they both listened to the fight that was going on behind them. There was an occasional bang and a grunt but they were too far away to hear if there was any trash talking - Brooklyn could only imagine the sort of trash talking that Agent would come up with. They sat there for what felt like hours, their sweaty hands held together. With every passing second it was harder and harder to stay still. Their friends were out there! They hadn't heard anything from any of the boys! Thoughts and fears were circling around them like a vulture as they tried to think of anything else but that proved impossible with every crash that came from behind them. Both of the girl's were paralysed with fear, not for themselves but for their friends, Brooklyn was worse than Dae because she had Agent to worry about too, what would happen if he died? She would die too.

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