Chapter 11

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"You're like really pretty!" Agent reached up and tried to stroke Brooklyn's hair but his hand-eye coordination was a little off so he caressed the air beside her head instead.

"Thanks?" Brooklyn replied, very confused.

"So you agree, you think you're really pretty?" Agent said in his best American accent. After she had given him his pain medication she wrapped a bandage around his waist and pulled the suit up but now he was acting really weird.

"Did you just quote Mean Girls?"

He nodded excitedly, "Yep. Mean Girls is my favourite movie."

"Mean Girls is your favourite movie?"

Agent nodded again, he was grinning like a five year old in a candy store with an unlimited credit card. Brooklyn wondered what had gotten into him, a few minutes ago he was perfectly fine, right before...


Oh no.

Right before she gave him the pain relief tablets.

Brooklyn grabbed the box as Agent watched her with great intent. His big eyes were following her every movement, it was like she was a movie that he had been looking forward to seeing and he didn't want to miss a single second of it. Her face fell as she read the small, black print on the box. True, it was pain relief. It was the new drug that had just been developed in Aigeanstown. A drug that was so powerful that it removed all pain in just 20 minutes. That wouldn't have been a problem except she had given him 2. A grown adult was meant to take one. Teenagers half of one.

Oh no....

Brooklyn threw the box down and unlocked her phone, ignoring any messages and went straight to google. Since it was so new there wasn't much common knowledge about it but her dad had managed to get Pauline some for her back pains. Brooklyn was typing so fast she made more than one spelling mistake but google seemed to understand anyway. Clever google.

"Whatcha doin'?" Agent asked as he leaned his head directly in front of her phone, she gently shoved him out of the way and kept scrolling, ignoring his question.

She found that it takes 7 hours to wear off and won't cause him any harm, thankfully. However, it did mean that she was going to have to keep him here all night, there is no way he could get home like this, if he even knew where his house was. Brooklyn sighed.

This was going to be a llloooonnnngggg night.

Agent had gotten distracted by one of the cacti on her bedside table. Brooklyn watched him as he repeatedly poked it and every time was surprised when it didn't hurt him, Brooklyn gave up explaining that his gloves were protecting his hands after the fifth time. She fell back onto the bed and the change in weight made Agent jump. She clicked on the name Dae had given herself on Brooklyn's phone and began to type

Dae Kim aka my favourite person :)

Hi Dae, how r u? how r the boys? are you all safe?

"Brooklyn," Agent said in a sing-song voice as he lay beside her.


"Look at me." Brooklyn turned her head so she was looking at him, his pupils were massive. This was not good.

Agent smiled and sat up, "I'm going to show you my face now," he said. His hands went straight under his chin, of course his coordination was okay now.

"NO!" Brooklyn yelled as she shot up and put her hands over his. She had stopped him just as he had lifted it to his mouth, so all below his mouth was exposed. Brooklyn couldn't help but notice how sharp his jawline was, you could definitely slice bread with that. He had cute dimples too. Of course he had dimples and a killer jawline. Could he be any more perfect? Brooklyn wondered if this boy was even human - no human is that perfect.

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