light pill

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For the next month, deshir stayed with type, to sleep next to him but not really much anything else. He could tell type was hurting, but didn't know what to do but just be there during the nights. He was there during the day but not all, deshir had to work.
Type stayed silent and re read books trying to find a way to get the mark off without the hunter to no avail. When deshir left type would look to tharns frozen heart in the hidden place he had thinking really bad thoughts, feeling the darkness he would breathe and then hide it to them wrap himself with deshir when he came about.
Type was a bit lost. He didn't quite know what to feel or what to do.
The 3rd week when deshir left he thought about ending his life, but sitting and picturing his mother, type couldn't and wouldn't do that too her.
After that he indulged in his abilities and getting clients to distract himself.
By the end of the month, deshir was leaned to the door way looking down to type with his client.
Type looked her over to take calming breathes.
Leaning, he placed his hand to her chin.
Behind her was her mother looking at the action
"What....are you doing?"
Type stopped to look up.
"Have to drive the poison of her leukemia out. This is the only way."
Her mother nodded. The girl who was only 12 shook.
Type looked to her.
"Be not afraid. Does not hurt. Yourll be flying."
Tears went down the girls face. Type took a deep breathe to drag out the dark material.
Grabbing a jar to his side, type leaned back to place it in.
The little girl breathed heavily to turn hugging her mother. They both cried. The mother placed her hands to either side of her face. Eyes darted. The girls face started to gain back pegment.
"Did..... did you?"
Type nodded, to twitch.
The mother looked to him to sign. She. Stood with her daughter to turn her around making her arm stretch out.
Type looked it over.
"I know the fee. 100 dollars and 2 years."
The girl looked wide eyed.
Type took a deep breathe in to stand.
He sauntered to them to look down to run his hand down her arm. He could feel the girl shake.
Taking a deep breathe, he made the arm glow but did not take anything. Looking up he smiled.
"Thank you."
The girl nodded. The mother pulled her away to part.
Type look tiredly has They parted to fall to his knees to shake. The action was coming back. Deshir went straight to him to pick him up to make him stand.
"You.....didn't take anything....did you?"
Type shook his head.
" help my desk.....i have a jar....with...."
Deshir nodded to help him to his desk. Type went to a dark jar to open to take out 2 years. Replenishing himself, deshir took type to the bed to sit to the edge. Deshir was slightly turned to pat his back has type sat head hung.
Type nodded.
"Mmm type.....i know you won't tell me......what is going on and why you don't wish me to really leave you alone but.....we have been here for a month......can we go to the light club?"
Type slowly lifted his head up to look to deshir.
" give me.....a light pill."
Deshir eyes widen.
"You......sure....100 percent? You've told would never...."
Type gulped. He didn't care anymore, just wished to feel something other then self loathing.
He nodded.
"I'm sure."
Deshir got up to wave rave clothes to his person then did the same for type.
Type looked down to roll his eyes. Not really his taste but he didn't care.
Standing, type grabbed deshir's hand to snap his fingers.
To the club, deshir wobbled.
"Aaaah hate when you do that...."
Type lightly smirked.
Deshir then waved a empty pill to then hold it over types mouth.
"You....know how these..."
Type took a deep breathe in to concentrate and hard to place some of his light to the empty case.
Once filled, deshir shook it to hold it palm out.
"All you type."
Types eyes darted.
" take one first..."
Deshir smiled to wave one into existence to consume. Taking types, he placed it between his teeth to bring up his hands to either side of his face to pull him in. Type breathed heavily, heart raced.
Here.....we go....
Placing his mouth to his, they both moved there tongues about then type consumed.
Parting, deshir went to the side of types neck to plant kisses, one hand to the back of his head to grip his hair the other to his waist.
Types were to his back to squeeze.
His pupils dilated and he looked all around, everything was pure light and cosmic.
Types lips parted.
Deshir smiled on his neck.
"You like?"
Type peered his eyes to the side, blinking rapidly, he could swear he was seeing tharn. Moving passed deshir to stumble to the side, tharn then left, type looked around.
Deshir grabbed type by his hand.
"Hey no wandering took a full pill, for your first time. Slow.....Type....Slow......look at your hand....itll help...."
Type hung his head too do just that to wave it around, seeing the lights.
Deshir moved to type to bring up a hand to turn his head. They eyed another to then deeply kiss.
Parting, deshir walked backwards with him, pulling.
"You....have not seen....anything yet type....."
Type smiled to follow.
Tharn to the side shook his head.
What....the hell type!
Inside, type couldn't stop looking around, he now knew why deshir would do this so much. It was a site to behold. The vibes, the colors, the music sounded even better, type felt has if he could feel the music.
Deshir spun him around, to wrap his arms around,type swayed to the beat, on deshir body looking everywhere.
" extraordinary deshir.....just wow......."
Deshir went to his neck with a smile.
"Mmm isn't it....."
Types eyes went a bit wider to then turn wrapping his arms around deshir neck.
They danced upon another.
Deshir then looked around has did everyone else. The building around them turned to a galaxy, everyone was floating.
Deshirs eyes Widen to look to type.
"Is.....this You?"
He lightly chuckled.
Type smiled wide, to turn his hand up to grip deshir hair to pull him forward to lock lips.
Parting, deshir's eyes darted has type looked down a bit sullen.
Why did you think of him? Its over.....he's gone....have fun.....
Type looked up then around, everything had gone silent and black.
"Ooooh sorry......"
Looking around the galaxy came back with the noise everyone danced quicker to really get into this vibe.
Deshir looked to type who turned his head to watch.
Taking his hands, from types waist to his hand.
He pulled him to the bathroom, has they parted things went back to normal.
In the bathroom, deshir pushed type to the wall.
Type looked up.
"Oof.....what the.....deshir...."
He stepped to type to place his lips to  relock. Type placed his hands to his waist. This didn't feel right.
Parting, deshir went to his neck. Type squeezed his eyes shut, mouth twitched.
He went to his ear.
"Type.....i can't hold back are handling yourself so well......and what you just did.....only powerful witches can.....god....i have to have you...."
Deshir took a hand to his pants to unbutton.
"Mmm deshir....www...wait.....i don't.....when I'm on this......deshir....i said stop......"
"Oh You want this.......don't deny it....."
Deshir started to grind on his leg. Type took his hands to his chest, but his body wasnt responding Right.
Damn light pill.
Deshir took out his tongue to start licking types ear lobe.
"Damn it.....deshir.....i said stop! Don't.....not when......"
Deshir turned type around to place his hands into one behind his back, to hang his head, to try to unzip.
Type squeezed his eyes tighter.
"Deshir! No! Stop!"
Deshir laughed a bit then type felt his hands free and the weight off his back.
Type took his hands to the wall to feel the coldness to turn his head to place his forehead to the wall to breathe heavily.
Eyes darting under his lids, type took a deep breathe in to gulp to turn.
Opening, his eyes he slide down the wall, to keep his eyes up.
Tharn was there looking to him, expressionless and emotionless.
Types eyes darted to look to the ground to see deshir to his stomach.
Type moved his hand forward to shake his foot.
He didn't respond.
Types eye grew wide to get up with the use of the wall to look angerly at tharn.
"You....killed him! You son of a!"
Type took a step forward to try and hit him to be turned around, tharns one arm was wrapped around his chest to have the other one grab something from his pants to try and feed it to type. He thrashed about, closed lips.
Tharn rolled his eyes to place the pill in his mouth to then take his free hand to place it under types head to lift it.
Type struggled.
"No.....let murderer! Lieing, manipulative, deceiving son of a bitch! Let.....mmmm!"
Tharn then placed the pill in his mouth, then a hand over it.
Type struggled.
Type did, his eyes blurred to move rapidly.
His body went limp.
Tharn picked him up, for them to go out the back.
Type looked to deshir.
Deshir.....I' sorry....
Then everything went black.

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