Chapter 3

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I couldn't believe what had just happened. Ice water ran through my veins, while fire burned in my cheeks. I slowly walked down the crowded streets in disbelief. I had been in "love" with Greyson as a teenage girl, but as time went on, my dreams of being with him faded from my heart and doubt began to take its place.

I remember the walls full of posters and tweeting him all night. I remember watching the interviews and falling asleep to his music. He wasn't just a teenage heartthrob to me like he was to most girls. It wasn't his hair or his clothes that made me love him, it was his music, his personality, and how genuine he was. He was my dream guy and now seven years later, I had ran Into him in the city of dreams.

I somehow managed to escape my state of disbelief and called a cab. The driver was a man with dirty blonde hair, who looked to be about thirty. I got in the back of the yellow vehicle that takes strangers to places nobody has ever heard of. The man turned In his seat and asked, "where too?" I looked at him and replied, "Rubin Hall." He knew it was a residential hall for New York University and started asking about life at the magnificent college. We discussed NYU until we got to the hall. I payed him, while, saying thank you.

Rubin Hall was a total of sixteen stories high and looked as if someone stuck a huge sideways, triangle on the ground. It was a pretty brick building with a decent amount of class. I walked to my dorm and set my bag and camera down on my twin bed. I ran my hands through my hair still In disbelief about what had just happened. Thoughts ran through my head like the Kentucky Derby. Would he actually call me? Did he recognize me from when we were teenagers who thought we knew everything?

When the Kentucky Derby was finished, I let out a sigh and realized Macey was going to pick me up for the party in about an hour. I didn't exactly know the dress code for this party, but I decide to go for something classy. A red lace dress covered my body, with a brown colored belt at the waist. I slipped on some brown ankle boots and touched up the curls in my hair. I applied a generous amount of make up remembering what my mom had always said, less is more. I was barley finished when I heard a knock at the door.

It was Macey, she was in a short blue sequined dress with her choppy layered hair drenched in hairspray. "You look cute" she said, with a smirk. "Thanks so do you" I replied. We talked about our English class until we got into her car parked outside the hall.

"Where exactly is this party?" I asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. "At a club down the street" She replied, I watched her start up her car and look at herself in the review mirror. She didn't have to drive far along down the road for me to know she was a fast driver. I've never been to a party at a club before, but I hoped they were not as intense as I heard them being. "Macey, have you ever been to a party at a club before?" I asked, trying to hide the anxiety in my voice. She turned her head and looked at me. "Yeah!" she said, with widened eyes, "Why, have you not?" I wasn't sure what to say, but I decided to be the honest person I am. " To be honest no, I have not" She chuckled and said, "Well you're in for a real treat"

She parked the car in a parking space right near the clubs doorway. We paid our way in and for the first time, my eyes were looking at a club party. There looked to be a decent amount of people my age, but they all had a drinks in their hands or were dancing like the alcohol was controlling every move they made. I instantly felt uncomfortable and out of place.

"You like it?" asked Macey, with her usual smirk on her face.

"It's different" I said. I really wish I hadn't came to be honest.

"Come on," she said, "A couple of my friends are sitting at a table out back"

I followed her to the back of the club and away from the dance floor. I passed by girls who desperately wanted to feel loved and boys with alcohol healing their pain.

"Hey guys!" Macey said, as we approached the table. There were four people sitting at the table, One girl and two boys.

"Hey Macey" said the girl. She had brown hair with ends of her hair dyed blonde. She was sitting rather close to one of the boys at the table, which I suspected her to be her boyfriend.

"This is my friend Emily," Macey said, introducing me. "Hi" I said, with a smile and a wave.

"This is Charlotte and Ben" she said, pointing to the girl with the dip dyed blonde hair and her suspected boyfriend. "This is Jermey" she said, pointing to the boy with black spiky hair. Macey went to sit next to Jeremy and I sat in a chair across from her. Macey instantly started talking to Jeremy and from the looks of it, she seemed to be pretty Into him. "So Emily, You are study at NYU too, right?" asked Charlotte, "Yeah, I am, I really like it." I said with a smile.

"That's cool" Ben added, while, taking a sip of his Bud Light. We talked about college and got to know each other better, until Ben got bored and wanted to dance with Charlotte.

I was now left with Macey and Jeremy flirting with each other. The whole atmosphere Instantly became awkward. "I'm going to go get some fresh air." I said to Macey, while, fanning myself pretending I was hot. "Okay" She said, giving me a nod and then going back to Jeremey.

I practically jumped out of my chair, all I wanted was to get out of here. I didn't feel comfortable at all. I pushed through the crowds of people smelling like they had taken a bath full of alcohol and people dancing in ways that were not necessary. While trying to make my way out of the room, I saw Charlotte and Ben following the rest of the people who were dancing. I was almost out of the club, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was petrified to turn around. What if it was a crazy drunk man, who would drag me outside and do the unthinkable to me. I slowly turned around to be face to face with Greyson Chance.

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