Chapter 4

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My mind felt like it was in a tornado, it just kept spinning, but my legs kept me walking. I opened the door to the resteraunt Sydney and I were meeting at for a late lunch or dinner. I took a quick glance at my watch and realized I was now thirty minutes late. Sydney was sitting at a table in the middle of the room, staring directly at me. I knew I was in big trouble.

I started walking toward her. It was like my legs were controlling me and my brain had nothing to do with it. I didn't want to be here, but it was the right thing to do.

"Sydney, I am so-" I begin to say, but was cut off my her slamming her napkin on the table. I jumped back slightly preparing for her angry words to spill from her mouth. "Greyson." she said her entire face screamed angry. "I don't want to hear it! You were suppose to be here thirty minutes ago!" I knew I should of not been late, but was it really necessary for her to always be so clingy. "I was talking to Guy, he arranged a show for me in Boston. You know how I am focusing on my career." She glared at me and said, "Well, you should be focusing on me too."

I think it was about time for me to slam my napkin on the table or maybe yell at her and storm out of the resteraunt. Maybe I should just run down the street for until I somehow find Emily again. "Look, I am sorry, but you need to have respect for my passion." My legs had lost there job and my mouth had taken over as words came out like a waterfall. "I am sick of you being so clingy." When I first met Sydney she was someone totally different than who she is now until I found out it was all fake. Once you have an idea of who someone is, you begin to fall in love with the idea and not the person. That's what went wrong, it was never her, it was who I thought she was, who I wanted her to be.

"Well, you have a girlfriend who wants to be with you." she said with a glare. My mouth started running five miles a minute and it wouldn't stop. "I am sick of all the rude comments and the glares. I am sick of not doing anything right. Maybe, you should find someone better than me because I obviously am not cutting it." My legs took over my mouth and the next thing I knew I was walking out the door.

I never thought I would say that. I had always been so afraid to hurt her, but it has come to the point where I've realized I wouldn't be hurting her just her ego.I had always had the feeling she was using me for her fifteen minutes of fame. Her time was up. I didn't know what I just had done. Had I broken up with her? I sighed and joined the crowds of people headed down the street and back to my apartment. I walked the streets of broken souls on their way to do something to distract them from their pain.

I slowed my walk when I got to the place where I had bumped into Emily. The way she looked at me was unforgettable. I could picture her face in my mind perfectly. Where was she now? My mind could only wonder of the possibilities.

A few minutes before I had reached my apartment I got a phone call. I took out my phone to see it was a call from Dylan. I had met Dylan when I was about sixteen through a friend.

"Dylan, what's up?" I asked opening up the door to my apartment. "Hey I am in the city and so are you. There is this awesome party at The Crab tonight. Do you wanna go?" I wasn't one for club parties, but I hadn't seen Dylan in a while. "I don't know Dylan, Sydney and I just got into a fight I'm really not-" I said, Dylan cutting me off. "Come on it will be fun. It will take your mind off things." Maybe he was right. I paused, searching my brain for a reason not to go. "I'll pick you up at eight. See you then." All I heard was the beeping of the phone, knowing he had hung up.

I ran my fingers through my hair. My mind thought all about my day. Meeting Emily and my fight with Sydney. I changed my shirt and got ready for the party. Before I knew it eight o' clock had come and I was getting in Dylan's car.

"Hey man, what's going on?" he said pulling the car out of park.

"Nothing much," I said. We talked about what was happening in each of our lives. He was in the city visiting his cousin. He asked about my fall out with Sydney and my mouth started running again.

"Maybe you should write a song about it." he said with a chuckle.

"Yeah maybe she deserves it" I laughed.

"I met this other girl today though." There goes my mouth again.

"Really already?" I told him how I had met her and how I felt. I couldn't stop talking about her. Her face was still in my mind and it won't get out.

"I thought you didn't believe at love at first sight?" he said, looking over at me.

"I don't, I never said I loved her. I have to get to know her as a person." We pulled up to the club and got out. I could hear the piercing loud music outside of the building.

We walked in and it was just how I remembered all the other clubs I had been too. Crazy, was the only word I could describe it as. Right then I knew this wasn't going to take my mind off things. Dylan has always been the life of the party type guy. He probably dragged me along for his own sake, but. I knew deep down it wasn't true.

Dylan and I pushed through the crowd of people at the door to dance floor. People were dancing so crazy, I couldn't imagine myself doing that. A girl came up to me and started dancing around me. "I remember you!" she said, "really? Because I don't." I pushed through the dance floor looking for Dylan he had disappeared. Maybe he was doing this for his own sake. No party was hard enough for him.

I finally spotted Dylan talking to some girl I had never seen before. I walked up to him and he greated me with a hey. "This is Casey." he said Introducing me to the girl. She had black thick hair and was wearing a black dress. "Hey, aren't you Greyson Chance?"

"That's me!" she laughed and went back to talking to Dylan. I could tell Dylan was really into her, so I decided to tell them I was going to get something to drink and walked away. I pushed through the crowd of people and tried to let nobody see who I was. It was until I realized I was walking to the door when I stopped pushing through the crowd. Maybe I should just leave, this was the closet I was going to get to the door. I watched the people walk out of the club until a familiar face caught my eye.

It was her, it was Emily. I couldn't believe she was here. Everything that ever felt bad felt good in this moment. There she was walking towards the door. I couldn't let her leave. I couldn't ruin a chance to talk to her. I took a step forward and placed my hand on her shoulder that was covered by a lace dress. I felt her body shake as she quickly turned around to face me. Her face lit the place like none of the lights could. Her eyes were a glimpse into her soul. She was the only girl out of hundreds in this room. Maybe I do believe at love at first sight.

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