entry .1

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It's all so confusing. Let me start at the beginning.

Mr. Sweeny was taking the class to a dinosaur museum, and you know teaching us about dinosaurs.

After that class, we were allowed to wander around. Then I found Fitz.

Apparently he's a Telepath too! Well, I didn't even know what a Telepath was until today.

He had the article of me, and was acting all strange. It was really scary. I ran away, and a lantern was going to fall on me, and I dunno how, but I made it float in the air!!

Fitz (I don't really like his name, but he is super cute!) showed me all sorts of things, and guess what?! He told me I was an elf. I mean ya right. But then, he like disappeared!!

That scared me.

Then he took me to the elf land place. It was sooooooo pretty.

Finally he took me home, where my mom was waiting for me. she had almost called the police!

I didn't want to eat dinner, but mom made me.

Afterwards, I came up here to write down my thoughts. I don't know. It's nice to write everything down.

I don't know what to think of Fitz. He's cute, yeah, but is it all fake? Maybe I would've believed that, if he hadn't shown me elf land.

Oh! I forgot about something. He thinks that the theory of relativity is dumb! He also said that we traveled to elf land by breaking our body into tiny light particles?

It's confusing. Oh! I've got to go. Mom is calling me to turn off the light and go to bed. I wonder what will happen tomorrow.

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