entry .5

86 7 1

I passed. What!?

Ok let me tell you how it happened.

We went in, blah blah, I forgot to curtsy, blah blah, three of the councillors are Oralie, Kenric, and Bronte.

Woah, was Bronte harsh.

I picked up a glass with my mind- what!

He wasn't even impressed.

Then I picked up more, still he wasn't impressed.

Then I did something pretty stupid. I picked him up.

And...... I dropped him.

He was angry. But he was fine about my telekinesis skills.

They allowed me to go to Foxfire - eeeeeek!

Except, that Bronte is making me come at the end of the year to see if I can go next year. I'm scared about that.

So, yeah.

I'm going to Foxfire!!!!

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