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The soft hazy sky met Cookie's awed gaze as she stepped down the steps of the family's private jet. Lucious' hand warm in hers, as he aided his wife down the stairs. Cookie clutched onto the summer hat atop of her head as the soft breeze blew her shoulder-length Peruvian inches. Hakeem followed behind his parents with a three-year-old Prince on his back, his little arms tight around his Dad's neck. A six-year-old Bella bounced in her designer dress bedazzled in diamonds that glimmered underneath the tropical sun. Jamal cradled a little Jaali on his waist and smiled, adoringly, down at his son as his grabby little hands tugged at his earlobe. Walker insistently chattered away, although nothing he said made much sense. Andre pretended to be intrigued by what his son was telling him with such passion as his small arms waved about.

Cookie leaned into Lucious' side with a tender smile settling on her lips as she gazed at her ever-growing family. "Thank you." She murmured to her husband when she'd let his hand go once reaching the bottom of the steps and had instantly felt the burning hot gravel against her feet despite the sandals separating them and the concrete.

"For what?" Lucious asked as he slipped his hand around her waist and looked down at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Dragging me on this vacation." She elaborated with a smile. He chuckled. "I needed this."

She had been so caught up in Bossy, dealing with the mess Giselle and her scheming ways had created, alongside Becky's overcoming this pill-popping addiction. She hadn't had a chance to breathe and she had been persistently telling Lucious that she didn't have time to 'put her feet up and relax', as he had worded it, but eventually, she caved after a nice home-cooked meal and a long, passionate night of sex. The kind of sex that had you agreeing to anything without understanding a damn thing.

"Don't thank me, baby, just enjoy yourself." He kissed the side of her head as she leaned into his side.

Cookie's gaze averted to her already arguing sons as Andre flicked Hakeem's forehead. "If you wanted me to enjoy myself, you should've left our sons back in New York." she joked. "Hakeem, stop it!" she exclaimed when her youngest son pulled his fist back to hit his brother.

"But, Ma, he started it!" he whined.

Cookie put a hand up in defeat and spun around, sauntering over to the driver that waited for the family next to a blacked-out limousine. Lucious shot a warning glare toward both his sons before turning around to stroll next to his wife. His eyes narrowed when he noticed the driver's eyes widen at the sight of Cookie's beauty. Lucious ran his gaze over his woman's body snatched up in a leopard print sundress sweeping up in the wind and grunted. He, possessively, stood behind her and massaged her shoulder with his left hand to show off the wedding band that adorned it. A subtle statement that said, 'Better watch yo' self. She's mine.'. The man seemingly caught the gist as his eyes averted from Cookie.

"Lyon family, welcome to The Bahamas!" he proclaimed, cheerfully. Cookie gazed around with upturned lips, awed by the beauty of her surroundings. "We have chilled champagne waiting for you inside the limousine," When he set eyes on Cookie and Lucious' grandchildren, the smile brightened. "And for the little ones, we have some cold juice cartons."

"What kind?" Bella questioned, arching an eyebrow. "Because I don't mess with orange juice." Cookie glanced at Bella with a chuckle. That was her granddaughter, all right. Hakeem hugged his arms around his daughter and pulled her back into his chest.

"We have apple juice and mango."

Bella shrugged her shoulders. "Apple juice will do, I guess."

"Bella..." Lucious muttered, shooting the child a sharp glare.

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