Tell The Truth.

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Tell The Truth.

A collab with terrencextaraji

"Someone like Lucious can't understand something like this." Carol's concerned proclamation continued to plague Cookie's mind as she made her way up the stairs after refusing to listen to her little sister's advice. "You can't tell him nothing." Lucious would understand...he had to.

When Cookie slowly trudged toward the guest room that they had set up for Andre, she poked her head around the corner to see Lucious clutching onto their son's hand, his head resting on the cotton bedsheets. She remained silent, not wanting to alert Lucious of his presence just yet. She chewed on her bottom lip before slowly retreating backward, acting the coward. The scene was too precious to break up just to confess her betrayal. She trudged up to their bedroom and scrubbed herself in the shower while cursing her impulsive tendencies.

"Just do it, bitch." She whispered to herself as she paced up and down in their bedroom, tightening the dressing gown robe around her body. "He'll understand." She mumbled, nodding her head, firmly, wanting to believe her own motivation speech. "Who am I kidding? He ain't gonna understand."

Lucious Lyon, the petty King, understanding? As if. Cookie scoffed and dragged her hands down her face. The man was too sensitive. 'What a fucking mess you've gotten yourself into, Cookie.'

Cookie shook her hands and nodded her head. "OK, OK. Just rip the band-aid off," she muttered as she walked toward Andre's room. She sighed when reaching Andre's room to see Lucious gone. As she leaned against the doorframe and stared at her son, a frown marred her face. 'My poor baby' she pouted as she took in his sunken hollow eyes, chapped lips, and pale skin. Her heart hurting at the sight. If she could take his place....his pain, she would. Lord knows she would.

She looked over her shoulder and softly smiled when a beautiful melody hummed through the house. She followed the tune to the living room and watched her husband playing in the dark with a glass of bourbon resting on top of the piano. He was completely in the zone, his back rocking back and forth as his fingers moved effortlessly against the keyboards.

Here goes nothing. She knew her husband was a prideful man and his possible inability to understand why she had gone to Damon's hotel room could destroy their marriage and inevitably it would her fault. All because she had thought the worst of him. But who could blame her? With all the heartache she had suffered at his hands, two years of sheer bliss seemed too good to be true.

"Lucious," she called out. When she met with silence, she clicked her tongue. He was caught in the melody...physically there but mentally his mind was deep in the music. She cleared her throat and called his name out louder. "Lucious...Baby!" she clapped her hands to capture his attention.

Damn old man...hard of hearing.

The melody abruptly stopped, and Lucious turned around to smile sweetly at Cookie. She could see the uncertainty in his eyes about whether or not she was still furious with him over the Treasure situation. After hearing the girl's confession, her persistent proclamations that Lucious had done nothing wrong, Cookie wanted to get her clown outfit out of the wardrobe and parade around the city. She had be so wrapped in her emotions of festering anger and mistrust in her man, that she had stupidly thought Lucious had gone and betrayed her...with Treasure of all people!

She struggled to return the smile, anxious about the conversation, and most likely argument, that about to take place. She watched him watch her with his eyebrows knitted together with concern. He moved to the side and patted the space beside him on the stool. Cookie pinched her lips together and came to sit next to her husband.

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