-Phobia 5-

66 2 0

....They all look hot!"
...What am I saying...they can all hear me, they are all so close to me. WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT.
...Gio and Risu look...better, dressed in their business suits and hair flowing down their back like waterfalls, only slicked back a bit at the front to prevent hairs from falling down in front at their face. Unlike the previous times, we have meet in which they have their hair pulled into a messy bun or a braid, they look much better like this. The other three behind them, I haven't seen them either, I've seen some of their friends but never these three... especially that stranger in a purple suit, he looks somewhat familiar or he looks...strange.


Kaworu, "A-ah, that's quite the comment but your not wrong, I believe you flattered them enough, but how about we get on with their order, they are busy monsters after all."

Sachiel, "..."

I felt my ears get hot, but I complied with what Kaworu said. I was making their coffees and... the stranger in a purple suit, looks familiar and sounds familiar, a deep rich voice, calming yet at the same time it can spark fear. He is like the voice in my nightmare that toys with me as a scream...wait is the shadowy figure that chases me in my nightmare! How is that possible, could he be a demon and has been toying with me in my sleep! I need to find out his name.

What is his name!
When his order comes up I'll have to hear it and maybe I'll ask Sachiel later what is he.

I finished the Gio and Risu's coffee, their ears are red like mine. I won't pay to much attention to it. Gio finished telling me that these are their closest friends from work. Risu told me that the other three work in a much higher department than them but at one point they all worked together until Surith was raised into CEO after he achieved something, while Cleo and Leo are from a CEO family tree but they were placed as secretaries, those two are twins, Cleo is the oldest with the shortest hair that reaches his shoulders while Leo is the youngest and his hair reaches his back, they have dark black hair that goes well with their light red skin, their suite is a dark red and they don't have any horns. Or a tail either.

The man in purple is the CEO of where they all work. What!

Surith is his name. The man dressed in purple with white long hair that falls down to his lower back with dark purple eyes with very slitted pupils...he can't be that figure, in its spider form, can monsters change their appearance completely?

, "Surith is a bit of a mouthful and it sounds like it's not from Japan."
Surith, "You are correct on that little dove, it isn't, much like you aren't from here either."
, "Excuse me for my rudeness, it's a pleasure to meet you." Introduce myself and do a greeting bow towards him and towards the twins, which startled them a bit.
The twins greet me back, but he...
Surith, "Oh? So you do speak somewhat fluent Japanese and English, I'm quite surprised a bit, but it shouldn't be so hard to pronounce my name in English than Japanese, so it shouldn't be so hard but after all, you can call me-"
, " How about 'Shu' it's not so bad of a nickname, it's one letter away from the sound 'chu' and it sounds cute..."

Everyone was trying to hold in their laughter while Shu looked...embarrassed?

Surith, "Wha-What did you just call me!? ...Are you mocking me!?"
Shu now looked visibly angry at me and was shaking while glaring at me... Can I run? Away from here? Can I do that or can I just dig a hole and hide in it until no one finds me, Can just do that?
, "...How about 'Yuu' it doesn't sound so bad either- I just dug my own grave didn't I?"

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