Chapter 2

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The next morning Gray walked downstairs on a mission for food. She couldn't help but grin as she thought about Nicole sleeping upstairs. She had known before they left the bar that the brunette was a firefighter and appeared to be in good shape but she could never have imagined just how amazing her body actually was. Nicole was all muscle, she could give Rafferty a run for his money in a best abs contest, yet she was still very feminine. Gray had also enjoyed discovering Nicole's various tattoos. Normally Gray had no opinion on tattoos but she found Nicole's extremely sexy. There were a few that Gray could tell had meaningful stories behind them but she had only asked about one before they had fallen asleep.
"So I know talk after sex cab be weird in circumstances like this but I have a question." Gray said tentatively.
Nicole looked at the blond curled up next to her and tried not to cringe. She didn't think Gray was going to be clingy but honestly she didn't know much about her, she had only met her tonight. But looking into those blue green eyes, she decided to hear her out. "One question."
"This tattoo over your heart, the crying angel shrouded in pink, who is this for?" Gray asked quietly.
That was not what Nicole expected at all. It definitely hit a nerve, just not the one she thought Gray was going for. But the tenderness behind the question struck her. As she was about to answer Gray spoke again.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I noticed a very different angel on the other side so I was curious."
Nicole smiled and said, "Honestly I was afraid you were gonna jump into a relationship talk."
Gray smile back, "Not what tonight is about, right?"
"Exactly!" Nicole responded. "No offense meant by that." She quickly added.
"No worries, none taken."
"So to answer your question Amber..."
Gray shook her head, "You don't have to tell me if you feel it's too personal."
Nicole shrugged, "It is personal but it's okay. I just don't get that question very often."
Gray smiled but remained silent.
"Well the one on the right I got eight years ago when my mom beat breast cancer in her right breast. The one on the left I got two and a half years ago after my mom passed away after a second battle with cancer. That time it was in her left breast and was much more aggressive than the first time."
"Oh wow, I'm sorry..." Gray said quietly.  "My first instinct was to say I'm sorry for bringing up a sad topic but I realize that would be silly to say given the tattoo's I asked about." She finished feeling kind fo stupid for rambling on.
"It's okay." Nicole replied then decided to lighten the mood. "At least you weren't asking where to send the U-Haul."
Rafferty's voice brought her back to the present as he walked into the kitchen. "Looks like you had a fun night."
Gray knew she couldn't hide anything from her best friend, especially with Nicole still upstairs so she didn't even try to come up with a story. "I did actually."
Rafferty smiled, he loved seeing this happy side of Gray. Though this goofy grin on Gray's face was usually caused by a woman. If that was the case he hoped this wasn't the beginning of another love disaster like most of Gray's relationships seemed to be. He loved his friend dearly but she had horrible taste in women. He decided to not dwell on that thought and asked, "Do you want some breakfast? I was about to make myself something."
"Can you make enough for three?" Gray asked, her goofy grin getting bigger.
Rafferty wanted to smile because he was right but he restrained himself and shrugged, "Sure. How about breakfast burritos with loaded hash browns and extra bacon? Horribly unhealthy but great morning after the bar food."
Gray nodded and was about to reply when another voice spoke up.
"Although that sounds very tempting, none for me thanks. I gotta get back to my sisters house. My nephew and I are spending the day together doing who knows what around Chicago before I go home tonight. It's a tradition we have every time I visit." Nicole said as she descended the spiral stairs. When she reached the bottom she saw both friends looking at her  which made her feel a little self conscious. She thought, 'Man, the morning after can be awkward sometimes. Especially when there's a roommate.'
"I'm sorry." Gray said quickly. "I could have set an alarm if you'd told me."
Nicole smiled, complete with nose crinkle and thought Gray was pretty cute when she was flustered. "No worries," she said holding up her phone. "Brought my own but I appreciate the thought." She walked up to Gray and couldn't resist the urge to kiss the adorable blond.
Rafferty cleared his throat after a few moments to remind the women he was still there.
Gray pulled back, blushing and said, "Sorry. Nicole this is my best friend and roommate Kyle Rafferty. Kyle this is Nicole Davin."
Rafferty held his hand out with a smile and said, "Nice to meet you Nicole."
"Nice to meet you too Kyle." Nicole smiled as she gripped his hand. She was then slightly distracted by a familiar and welcoming smell. "Is that coffee I smell?"
    "Yeah, I just started a pot as you two were making out." Rafferty confirmed then asked, "Do you have time for a cup before you've gotta get out of here? There will be plenty."
    Nicole looked at her phone. She had about half an hour before Tyler usually woke up. "There's always time for coffee when you're as much of a coffee junkie as I am."
    Gray leaned back on the counter and watched the interaction between Rafferty and Nicole with a smile. She knew she may never see Nicole once she walked out the door but it made her feel happy that she was capable of attracting someone who seemed nice, stable and could handle herself in the always awkward meeting the roommate in the morning after situation. Gray chose to ignore the fact that even though Nicole accepted the offer of coffee she still was trying to make a quick exit and left no window for a repeat of last night thus far. Gray had to remind herself it was a one night thing, no expectations just fun.
    "So Nicole you mentioned going home tonight, where's that?" Rafferty asked as he poured the coffee. Rafferty couldn't deny he was curious about this beautiful brunette who had caused Gray's good mood, since she was usually crabby in the morning. Since Nicole seemed willing to talk he wanted to learn as much about her as he could before she left.
    Nicole took a sip of coffee before she answered, "I live up in Milwaukee. Luckily not too far away so I, and usually my brother, can visit our sister's family and our grandparents pretty easily."
    "Did you grow up in Chicago?" Rafferty asked.
    "No, but my dad grew up here. He moved up to Milwaukee after high school to go to college and stayed. My sister did the same in reverse years later." Nicole gave the simple explanation. The reasons behind the moves were more complicated but in this situation they were completely unnecessary to explain. She decided to get the attention off herself so she said, "Well since I know Amber is a paramedic I'm guessing you're the firefighter Kyle?" She asked nodding to the helmets on display though she already knew this man was the best friend Gray had referred to last night.
He nodded. "Yeah Gray and I are at the same house. I'm actually the lieutenant of squad." He finished proudly.
"Impressive." Nicole said with a nod. "I'm on squad too, well with the MFD obviously. I have yet to find the motivation to move up in the world so I am just a regular old squad member." She finished with a smile.
"You're on squad?" Rafferty asked, obviously dumbfounded.
Nicole smiled, "I'm smarter and stronger than I look." Before she could say more an alarm went off on her phone. "Thank you for the coffee but I really do have to go now. In my limited experience four year olds tend to get moody when you're late."
"If you give me a couple minutes I can give you a ride to your sisters house." Gray offered.
"No need." Nicole replied with a smile. "My sister's house is only a few blocks away ironically enough, I can walk."
"Are you sure?" Gray asked a little surprised. She wondered if Nicole's sister actually lived close or if she had done something to make the brunette want to bolt.
"I'm positive. She lives in the neighborhood about three blocks behind this complex." Nicole explained.
"Well can I at least walk you out?" Gray asked with a smile.
Nicole smiled and nodded, "Absolutely."
As they walked towards the door Rafferty fake coughed which made Gray turn her head and shoot him a nasty look. He just shrugged and smiled. They kissed at the door and said their goodbyes.
Before Nicole opened the door she turned back and smiled at Gray. "If you ever make it up to Milwaukee you should give me a call, I could show you around town."
Gray laughed and said, "Well I would but I don't have your number. Besides, wouldn't that go against the idea of this being a one night stand?" Gray finished jokingly.
Nicole shrugged, "Possibly but hey, who said we have to follow any rules." She said with a laugh as she opened the door. She took one step out the door then turned back again and quietly said, "Oh and about my number, check your phone that's still sitting on your nightstand." She planted one more kiss on Gray's lips then walked away with Gray still in the doorway.
When she closed the door Gray thought if only Nicole lived in Chicago, she was definitely worth getting to know better.
As Gray walked back to the kitchen Rafferty asked, "So one night stand or love of your life Gray?"
Gray laughed despite her annoyance at his rudeness and answered, "As she said she's a firefighter in Milwaukee. Total one night stand."
"You know I could buy she's a firefighter but on squad? Really?" Rafferty replied.
"Why would she lie?" Gray asked more defensively than she meant to, but after Nicole's honesty about her tattoo's Gray felt no reason to doubt the beautiful brunette's word.
Rafferty laughed at what he obviously thought was naivety on Gray's part, "To sound more impressive to get in your bed."
"That was the first time she mentioned being on squad around me. Besides, a woman that hot doesn't have to say much to peak my interest. I'm only human." Gray added with a laugh and a shrug.
"Valid point." He also shrugged. "Maybe she was trying to impress me. You know, get in good with the best friend."
Gray gave him a look he recognized well. "A one night stand trying to get in good with the best friend over a five minute cup of coffee? Really?"
    "Okay, maybe she's telling the truth." Rafferty surrendered. "I just don't know very many women that have made squad, that's all."
    "Well now you know one more." Gray replied.
    He decided a slight change in topic was in order. "I do have to admit Gray, she is pretty hot."
    Gray couldn't help but grin like a fool, "That she is and you only saw her fully clothed."
    "Gonna share details?" Rafferty asked, raising an eyebrow.
    Gray smiled, "Those memories are all mine! But I will say she has an amazing body, her six pack is more impressive than yours." She finished with a laugh knowing that would get to her friend.
    "Wait, what?" Rafferty said dumbly.
    Gray just smiled and said, "So are you gonna make me breakfast or not? I had quite the workout last night and need to replenish."
    Rafferty shook his head laughing and replied, "You're lucky I love you Gray. Breakfast is coming up."

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