Chapter 23

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    It was just after visiting hours and Gray wasn't sure what to do. She had been transferred to her current room hours ago but she had been hesitant to go visit Nicole even though she was cleared to do so. She couldn't come up with any good reason to not visit Nicole, she just stalled until it was too late.
    Before she could dwell any longer her phone rang, "Hello?"
    "I'm surprised I didn't see you today." Nicole said as a greeting.
    "It's amazing how tired switching rooms can be." Gray lamely replied.
    "It's probably more switching departments than rooms." Nicole said sounding more frustrated than she meant to.
    "I'm sorry Nicole, I didn't mean to..." Gray started but Nicole cut her off.
    "No don't apologize Gray. I've been a bit down the last couple days and have been scolded about taking it out on others lately." Nicole admitted.
    "It's understandable Nicole. Being stuck in the hospital can do that to anyone." Gray replied.
    Nicole sighed, "Thank you for saying that Amber."
    Gray laughed, "Hey I understand the situation since I'm stuck in here too."    "True but I have yet to hear you sound grumpy or bitchy at all." Nicole pointed out.
    Gray shrugged even though Nicole couldn't see her, "I guess I don't see the point but everyone deals with things differently."
    "That's a very diplomatic response Amber." Nicole said with a laugh.
    "Diplomatic yes but also truthful." Gray replied.
    "Valid point." Nicole agreed. "Are you always so sensible when dealing with adversity?"
    Gray laughed, "Normally no, I usually handle situations badly but for some reason I seem to be handling this accident surprisingly well."
    "I guess I should be taking lessons from you then." Nicole said. "I just can't help feeling helplessly weak right now."
    Gray thought for a moment before she replied, "From what I know about you I can imagine you feeling weak is really hard for you but there is something very important that you're forgetting Nicole."
    "What's that?" She quickly asked.
    "You and Morris saved two children's lives. You may have been careless with your own safety Nicole but you and Morris gave those kids more time in this crazy world." Gray stated. "You may have gotten hurt but to that little girl you carried out fo that building you're a hero, you're her hero. I fell pretty confident in saying that your family, which includes the guys in the house, see what you did as pretty heroic too. Maybe a little dumb but definitely heroic. And the fact that you made it out and are on the mend means you are meant to do more in this world.
    Nicole had tears in her eyes as Gray spoke. She knew Gray had no idea how her words would affect Nicole. There were feelings of anger because of what she had gone through in Milwaukee but she didn't let those feelings surface. She took a deep breath then spoke, "Will you come visit me tomorrow Amber?" She asked knowing she was ready to tell Gray anything.
    Gray heard the emotion in Nicole's voice and had only one answer, "Of course. How about I visit you first thing, we can have breakfast together."
    "Sounds good." Nicole replied. "I hate to cut this short Amber but I'm really tired."
    "That's fine Nicole." Gray answered. "I'll see you in the morning."
    "I look forward to it." Nicole said. "Goodnight Amber."
    "Night Nic."

    The next morning Nicole woke up earlier than she had since she had been in the hospital. Almost from the moment she opened her eyes she felt a bit antsy. Obviously the fact that Gray was going to visit added to her feelings, truthfully she's felt antsy for days.
    Just before seven there was a knock at Nicole's door. "Come in." Nicole said as she turned off the TV. She had been flipping through the channels but nothing held her interest.
    "How are you feeling Nicole?" Dr. Driver asked as he walked in the door.
    "Physically I'm doing okay." Nicole admitted. "My shoulder is sore but the physical therapist pushed me a bit yesterday."
    He nodded, "She did but it's good for you. The more we work that shoulder the easier your road to recovery will be."
    "I know, that's why I accept the soreness and I'm not bitching about the pain." Nicole replied with a smile.
    "Well that's good. But with how you worded that statement I have to ask, what are you going to bitch about?" Dr. Driver replied with a smile.
    Nicole couldn't help but laugh, "You seem to have gotten to know me pretty well over our time together doc."
    He shrugged, "Well I think I know the answer to what you would bitch about but I want to hear your answer."
    "I just want to know how long I'll be here in the burn unit." Nicole stated. "I know you and Dr. Gray told me what the treatment plan was but you guys never told me if my entire hospital stay would be in here or if I would get to move to a regular room at some point."
    "True, we didn't." Dr. Driver said with a nod. "And there is a reason for that but before I explain can I take a look at your shoulder?"
    She nodded and sat up on her bed. She was wearing a tank top so she just turned her shoulder towards the doctor so he could remove the dressing.
    "This looks good." He said, "On the surface it's healing nicely. The redness has gone down considerably."
    "These are good things right?" Nicole asked.
    "Absolutely. We want to keep you in the burn unit until the surface of your wound has healed a bit more but it shouldn't be too much longer. This sterile contained environment is best while your wound is still easily susceptible to infection. I'd like to leave the dressing off for a while if that's okay with you, let your wound breath a bit." Dr. Driver explained. "If you're okay with sitting up for a little while that is."
    "That's fine I guess." Nicole said hesitantly.
    Dr. Driver smiled, "Don't worry, I just want to get your sheets changed before you get back in bed with the dressing off."
    "Oh I'm fine sitting up, actually prefer it to laying in bed. I'm just afraid if I lean back on the chair I'll do more damage." Nicole admitted.
    He grabbed a clean blanket from a drawer and put it on the back of the chair, "It'll be fine. I don't expect you to sit up straight for hours on end."
    "Will this help with the healing process? Leaving the dressing off?" Nicole asked.
    Dr. Driver nodded, "Yes it will. The medicated dressing we've been using has helped tremendously but I think we should start taking it off for a few hours at a time."
    "Whatever you say doc." Nicole said, "But what if I get cold?"
    "Wrap the blanket I put on the chair around your shoulders. If you take it off and there's blood on it just grab a new one from the drawer and put it on the chair." He said, "Any other questions?"
    "Nope, I think I'm good." Nicole replied.
    "Alright, I'll be back in a few hours and see where we're at." He said with a smile and headed towards the door.
    "See you then. I'm not going anywhere." Nicole said half heartedly.
    "Oh and as for the duration of your stay in the burn unit," he stated and Nicole turned her head to him. "I don't expect you to be in here for the full three weeks that we expect you'll be in the hospital. I think in a couple days we'll be in a place to re evaluate and give you an accurate assessment."
    Nicole smiled, "Thanks doc."
    "Just keep being a good patient." He said then left the room.

    Just after eight Rafferty walked into the hospital and headed towards the elevators that would take him up to Gray's room. He smiled when he saw who was waiting for an elevator. "Hey Mathis, heading up to visit Gray?"
    She turned and smiled, "Yeah I figured I'd check in with Gray then go hang out with Nicole for a while."
    He nodded, "Sounds like a plan but I have a better suggestion."
    "Which is?" She asked.
    "We go see Gray and convince her to go visit Nicole. She's cleared to go but something is holding her back, she chickened out yesterday." Rafferty said.
    "No offense but I'm surprised you of all people want to encourage Gray to go see Nicole." Mathis replied.
    "No offense taken. Nicole and I did get off on the wrong foot thanks to me." Rafferty admitted. "I realize I was wrong about Nicole and I can see that Gray has feelings for her. I think we could offer the nudge she needs."
    Mathis nodded as the elevator arrived.
    They chatted about how they were going to get Gray to go visit Nicole. When they got to Gray's door it was open so they tentatively entered and looked around the room.
    "Where's Gray?" Rafferty asked.
    "Well I'm hoping Nicole did all the convincing Gray needed during their phone pillow talk session last night." Mathis offered since Rafferty mentioned in the elevator that he was given Nicole the number of Gray's new room when he visited the previous night.

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