Chapter 1: The Return of Harmony - Part 1

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Today was just a normal sunny day for Ponyville as (Y/N) is just in his backyard basking to the sunlight enjoying a relaxing morning. However, a deep thought came to his mind while looking up at the sky.

(Y/N): (It's been awhile since I came to Equestria and. . . to be honest, I love it.)

However, (Y/N) frowns.

(Y/N): (But still. . . there's something that I just can't get off my back. It haunts me, like there's something I still feel like I haven't overcome yet. But. . . what is it?)

Suddenly, a shadow went over (Y/N) as he looked up to see a rain cloud and it instantly started to shower rain onto (Y/N) which surprised him.

(Y/N): What the. . .? I thought it wasn't suppose to rain until tomorrow.

(Y/N) then noticed that something was. . . off about the rain. He flew up to where the cloud was and noticed that it was pink.

(Y/N): A pink cloud? That's something you don't see every day.

He also sees that the rain coming out of the cloud was brown.

(Y/N): And brown rain? What's going on here?

(Y/N) then notices a smell on his coat and sniffed himself and he realized that the rain wasn't water.

(Y/N): Chocolate milk? No, no. . . chocolate milk rain? Either a malfunction happened in Cloudsdale or I'm just dreaming.

???: (Y/N)!

(Y/N) heard a voice call out to him and he flew towards the front of his house to see Twilight and Spike and he lands in front of both of them.

(Y/N): Hey, Twilight. 'Sup Spike. Do you two know what's going on with the weather today?

Spike: We've got no clue.

Twilight Sparkle: The clouds aren't the only things happening here that are abnormal though. Applejack apparently said that some of the apples in the orchard have turned into corn.

(Y/N): Corn? *chuckles* I guess we should her Applecorn now? Huh?

(Y/N) said this with a goofy smile as both Twilight and Spike just gave bored looks at (Y/N)'s bad pun.

(Y/N): Okay, okay, maybe that was a little bit "corny."

Twilight facehooves at that.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), this isn't joke time. This is "let's hurry to Sweet Apple Acres time!"

(Y/N): Sorry, couldn't help myself. Let's go.

Twilight nods as the three then run to hurry to Sweet Apple Acres.

At Sweet Apple Acres, it wasn't normal at all as it was also raining chocolate milk over there, the corn that in the area has popped into popcorn, and some of the apples trees' apples grew triple sized as it also made the trees tilt over towards the ground. Squirrels and bunnies then started to munch on the humongous apples which worried Applejack as she and Rarity were witnessing everything that was happening while Pinkie Pie was enjoying whatever was happening.

Applejack: Fluttershy! Do somethin'!

Fluttershy then turns towards her bunny Angel who was also munching on a large apple.

Fluttershy: Now, Angel, you really shouldn't-

Suddenly, what happened next brought a shock to Fluttershy as the bunnies legs elongate as long as horse legs and the bunnies also started to gallop fast like horses.

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