Chapter 12: Hearts and Hooves Day

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(A/N): This chapter will have an entirely different and original plot that LordStarX101 and I came up with, meaning that it won't feature Big Mac or Cheerliee.

It was early in the morning inside of the Golden Oak Library as today was a special holiday for the ponies in Ponyville. Today was Hearts and Hooves Day where love is in the bloom and ponies will tell their friends and family how much they care about them or spend time with the special somepony that they love to pieces.

Spike is seen in his bed sleeping peacefully and snoring loudly. However, a loud bang from downstairs woke up the small dragon at it startled him.

Spike: Gah!

Spike looked in the direction of where the noise came from before immediately looking at Twilight's bed to see that she wasn't asleep at all.

Spike then goes to walk downstairs and turn the lights on while rubbing his eyes to get a clear vision of everything.

Spike: Twilight? What are you doing up so early?

Twilight looks back at Spike as apparently she was writing something on a chalkboard. She gasps that Spike might see what she was planning as she used her magic to flip it over.

Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, did I accidentally wake you up, Spike?

Spike: Yeah. What's all the commotion? I don't remember us having to do any late night reports to Princess Celestia, or heck even forgotten any last night.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh. . . um. . . Spike you do know what today is, right?

Spike: No, what day is it?

Twilight Sparkle: It's Hearts and Hooves Day.

Spike just looks at Twilight with a raised eyebrow.

Spike: . . .I don't get the picture.

Twilight groans and rolls her eyes.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike! Don't you know that today is the time when ponies do things for their special somepony.

Spike: Yeah, I knew that. But you don't have a special somepony. Speaking of which, what were you just drawing just now?

Twilight blushes from that embarrassed as she eyes the flipped over chalkboard with a nervous smile.

Twilight Sparkle: *quickly* Plans of something that I was making for a friend that I have no romantic interest in. . .!

Spike seemed unconvinced by the mares flustered expression.

Spike: *sarcastically* Uh-huh. Sure.

Twilight just returns a sheepish grin. Both of them stare at each other for a little bit still with the same expressions until Spike just sighs.

Spike: Okay, what are you planning to do for (Y/N)?

Twilight goes wide-eyed from that.

Twilight Sparkle: How did you know?

Spike: Can it not be more obvious?

Twilight just sighs from that as she then flips the chalkboard that she was writing on back to show what she was originally making to show Spike a picture of what looked to be different kinds of chocolate.

Spike: You're going to get him, candy?

Twilight Sparkle: Not just candy, Spike. Chocolate.

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