Chapter 5

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Attitudes. We come across different people with various attitudes; it's the nature of people. We must be able to co-operate and work side by side with them. I am someone who has patience and have control in myself. But in some moments even I can loose my control.  

After the small dispute with Harry, I am walking myself down the stairs to grab some coffee. I drink the black liquid hoping to refresh my mind. Hopefully it calms my mind so I walk back to the office to finish my allocated work and send a copy of the interviewers to my father excluding Harry. 

I attempt to forget about what Harry said to me earlier of how I am perfect-like because he has gotten all wrong about me. He can be so annoying and he is the worst guy who I have come across in my life. I am mad at myself for thinking about him now, I was doing well for him and he just walks away, what is wrong with his family. It all began when I asked about his family, maybe I went too far with him. Either way he doesn't have to bark at me and leave, he is not the sweet guy I met.  

I grab my phone and call the one person who is capable to make me smile. I wait till he picks up and when I almost ended the call he picked up. "Hi, love I was going to call you." Zach speaks and his voice made me happy. 

"Hi, how are you?" I ask my voice supple. 

"I am fine Lia; I am hoping to come this Thursday." 

"I miss you and I can't wait to see you." I really miss him. We have been going out for six months and then he moved to California to continue his master degree in commerce. I met Zach in college and began dating after a few months. He is really sweet and he makes me happy. He is really busy though so it was hard for us to be together a lot but he will complete his studies soon and he can move back to here. That is what I have planned in my mind. 

"Miss you too, love" He says, his voice kind of in a hurry. 

"Are you going somewhere?" I ask 

"Uh yeah, lectures are going to begin in few minutes."  

"Oh okay." I say feeling bad for not being able to speak to him for any longer. 

"Bye Lia, I really have to go right now, speak to you later yeah?" He asks 

I nod and then realize that he can't see me. "Yeah, bye" 

I grab by bag and walk out of the office and have a small talk with Kim on the way. I call the mechanic to ask about my car and he says that he will bring it my father's place.  

I wait for a taxi to come but then again I change my mind and walk down the pavements. I think of going to Bens to grab some hot cocoa to evaporate the chilliness in my body. The environment is pretty cool today. 

I order and go sit near the window seat to enjoy the setting sun. I hear someone enter the restaurant and look up to see Harry ordering. I thought he worked here so why is he ordering. I see him scanning the place and quickly his eyes land on me but I quickly look away. I don't him ruining my evening too. I thought he went away but I am proved wrong when he sits in front of me. My beverage was brought to me at the same time and he smirks, maybe to throw some remark at it but he avoids in saying anything. 

"What do you want?" I ask annoyed by his sudden presence  

"Nothing, there are no empty seats so I am in here." He says matter of fact even though there are some empty spaces and I just roll my eyes. 

"His coffee was brought to him and we both have our drinks in silence." I can see him looking at me from time to time which made me feel uncomfortable but I tried not to express so.  

"You drink a lot of coffee huh?" He asks me casually completely forgetting about our earlier argument.  

"You got a problem with that?" I ask completely ignoring his smirk 

"I was right, you are this complete snob." He says and this time I look into his eyes with my anger boiling. 

"What do you think you are? A saint, if so you are extremely wrong about that and you are an asshole, do you know that?" 

"Yep" He replies calmly. 

I roll my eyes again and bite my lip not really wanting to cause a tense conversation in the middle of the cafeteria. 

"You really should not hang out with Stacey, you know?" He says again, can't he really mind his own business. 

"Why? because you have got her to bed?" I ask, why am I so pumped up with the fact that Harry has slept with my cousin? 

"I don't regret sleeping with her, she is a good fuck." Harry eyes are glued to me and I stand up from my seat. 

"Tell your mother about that, not me." I speak and regret because I know there is something wrong with his family but I am so tense up that I can't even think two times of what I am going to speak.  

Harry pulls my wrist and he stands up."What is the problem of me having sex with your friend?" I turn to him creating only a small distance between. 

"I have no problem, FYI she is my sister." I smirk at him and walk away. I see confusion in his face and a smirk a little bit after. Although I don't know what is funny about it.

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