Rain // taegi

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Okay um, excuse my shit writing. This story was rUsHed 🤡
"Ah, okay, well shit."
Taehyung sighed, "did you bring an umbrella?"
"Oh yes, obviously, I definitely brought an umbrella, that's why I'm fucking cursing at myself and not walking home."
Taehyung stared at Yoongi, "Are you mad?"
Yoongi looked back at Taehyung briefly before turning back to the pouring rain, "No. Just disappointed."
"But you were so excited."
Yoongi chuckled at that, "oh you don't know the things I do for you." He muttered under his breath. His cold pale hand reached for Taehyung's warm one. His pinky touched Taehyung's hand before he intertwined their fingers together, Taehyung looked at Yoongi fondly as he squeezed the cold hand once.
Yoongi's cheeks were dusted pink but we're not gonna talk about that.
"You know Yoongi..you're not as sly as you think you are."
Taehyung didn't let him finish his sentence before he ran into the rain still holding hands with the shorter man causing him to also go into the rain. "BRAT WE'RE LIKE 20 MILES AWAY FROM MY APARTMENT JUST ORDER A CA-"
"but then I wouldn't be able to hold your hand." Taehyung said with his famous boxy smile. Yoongi looked away.
And so Taehyung kept running, with Yoongi following right behind him, their hands still locked together in a tight grip.
But then Yoongi stopped running, he bent down a little, holding his knees while panting heavily, "I'm not as fit as you Tae." Tae stopped abruptly and turned to face Yoongi, a shit eating grin on his face as he easily picked up Yoongi bridal style and began running again. Yoongi clutched Taehyung's wet coat tightly in horror, "TAEHYUNG PUT ME DOWN YOU'RE GONNA DROP ME!"
Taehyung didn't listen. "AT LEAST CARRY ME ON YOUR BACK!" Yoongi yelled out, genuinely scared for his safety, he really didn't wanna fall face first into the wet cement. At that Taehyung stopped, "Good idea hyung." He put Yoongi down, Yoongi let a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Get on my back."
"Ah yes, good idea." Yoongi said, before he turned his back on Taehyung and began running away. That wasn't a smart move on Yoongi's part.
Taehyung easily caught up to him and once he did he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist. He nuzzled his nose into Yoongi's neck, the faint smell of cologne on there.
"You were crying when you called me." Yoongi went stiff. They stayed like that for a couple of seconds before Yoongi pushed Taehyung's arms off of him, "I'm fine."
"I didn't care about him okay?!"
Taehyung shut up. "I was crying because I was disappointed!" He turned to face Taehyung, "I was disappointed in me! I was disappointed that I knew I was gonna let you down! Because I don't wanna hold you back anymore! I want you to stop, I want to stop." He let out everything that clouded his mind, the rain pouring on him, soaking his clothes, his hair, droplets of water sliding down his pale cheeks, you wouldn't have known he was crying unless you saw his red eyes. "You know already so I don't know why you keep letting me suffer. You're just so fucking selfish Tae!"
Yoongi yelled at him, tears streaming down his face, like someone had just told him his parents died, his parents didn't die, but maybe he did, maybe he died on the inside the moment this twisted game started. "You know I fucking love you!"
Taehyung was taken aback.
"You know I was in love with you ever since we first met! Ever since you fucking kissed me and left the next day without ever speaking about it since!"
"You know I'm trying hard to stop being in love with you!"
"You know I went on this god damn date for you! JUST SO I COULD FUCKING FORGET ABOUT YOU! SO I COULD SET YOU FREE!" Yoongi's hands made it to his wet hair, he gripped his soaking wet blue hair tightly as he kept yelling at his bestfriend all the words he kept to himself for 5 years.
He fell on the floor, hugging his knees close to his chest.
Yoongi fell in love with Taehyung. And Taehyung knew.
Taehyung kissed Yoongi 5 years ago.
He left the next day to never speak about it ever again.
Taehyung acknowledged Yoongi's feelings.
But he never said anything.
Yoongi went on dates frequently to try and find love. To forget about Taehyung, he knew that Tae knew, he felt like he was holding Tae down, he felt that if he kept loving Tae then he would never be able to find someone else for the sake of Yoongi's feelings. This was the first time a date ditched Yoongi, he felt something snap within him.
This wasn't the first time Yoongi snapped at Taehyung.
It happened one to many times.
It always ended with Taehyung comforting Yoongi until they reached his apartment and then he would leave and they wouldn't talk about it ever again. But Yoongi was spilling way too much today.
Doors that were locked tight were swung open.
Yoongi's words sunk into Taehyung's heart and they made Taehyung feel heavy inside.
Taehyung slowly walked to Yoongi. He wrapped his arms around Yoongi, Yoongi wrapped his arms around Taehyung, no matter how much Yoongi told himself he hated Taehyung it never worked because Yoongi continued loving Taehyung until it hurt. Taehyung pulled away from the embrace and looked at Yoongi's glossy eyes. "I'm sorry."
Yoongi looked away and he felt a stab at his heart. Maybe if he hadn't been so selfish Yoongi would be looking at him differently. Without thinking he leaned in to kiss Yoongi's pink lips. Yoongi's eyes widened.
His brows furrowed as he harshly pushed Taehyung away from him. He stood up, clutching his hands.
Another stab.
Maybe if Taehyung hadn't kissed Yoongi all those years ago he would've let Taehyung kiss him now.
It hurt to realize Yoongi wanted to give up on him. That he wanted to give up on them.
That was what Taehyung didn't want. Ever since the beginning.
Maybe he was selfish to want Yoongi only loving him.
He knew that if he told Yoongi he didn't love him back, Yoongi would've felt better and it would've been so much easier to let go of him. Yoongi looked..disgusted? He walked away.
Taehyung scrambled to get up, he rushed to Yoongi and grabbed his wrist, forcefully turning him around and pushing him onto a wall. "I'm sorry Yoongi. I love you. I was selfish I know. But god you made me fall for you, and I didn't realize because I'm a fucking idiot sometimes." He knew Yoongi all too well, he knew Yoongi would look at this like it was another problem and he would try to run away. Taehyung grabbed both his wrists and pinned them to the wall, he looked down at the short pale man.
Yoongi wanted to cry.
Taehyung leaned down and connected his lips to Yoongi's lips.
Soft, and warm despite how cold he was.
Taehyung tilted his head a little. The faint taste of strawberries. Yoongi whimpered quietly and kicked Taehyung's leg, "ow fuck!" Yoongi took the opportunity and ran away, tears running freely.
He didn't know what to do.
They both knew it was a twisted game.
A twisted game they both wanted to play.

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