Chapter 2: The Farmstead

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— Everything Went Dark... What Happened Just Recently Was in thought Forever But That's When He Woke Up My Vision Was Really Blurry Thought Mason  Sharp Pain Came From His Stomach Were He Was Shot, Then All Of A Sudden All Of
His Memories Came Back  .......
The Chem Stash
The Violence
The Vault Breach
It All Came To A Halt When He Woke Up He Was On A Table He Then Realized He Was At That Farmstead He Saw When He Was In The Forest Mason Tries To Get Up But A Man At The Height of 5^7 Came To Stop Mason
?????- Hey There Buddy Now Don't Overwhelm Yourself To Hard You Got A Good Bullet In Your Chest There
- His Voice Sounded Like He Was From The South -
Mason-I'm Fine But Thank You For Saving Me Back There..
?????- Your-Welcome But If I Must Ask What Are You Doin This Far South Of Boston It's Extremely Dangerous Considering The Bombs Dropped Here!
Mason- I Came From A Vault It's... Mason Froze In Silence Thinking Of What Did Occur
????- Hey It's Ok!! Don't Stress Yourself Out Over It Now You Go Lie Down
< Mason Did What The Man Did And He Sat On A Sofa Ot Was Not To Comfortable But It Was Comfortable Enough
??????- I Will Make You Some Tato Soup And Some afresh Water Lucky We Got Some Parts To Make A Good Water
Purifier! Also If You Need Anything My Name Is Daniel And Your Name Is?...
Mason- Mason.. But If I Ask why are you so friendly don't you have to survive to and you should worry about yourself?                                                   Daniel-Bud I'm Not Like Them Im from Appalachia  My Mother Taught Me Manners Down There And I Moved Up Here To Live With My Wife Those... < Daniel Stopped In His Sentence As He tried to say Something
Daniel- Those Damn Rats Invested Boston And Is Terrorizing  People To Force To Give Them Food And Water And Caps I Heard So Many Rumors About Them About How They Originated Down In Washington Or Came Out Of A Vault With A Heavily Stocked Armory Hell if know Just They Need To Be Taught  Some Respect!
< Daniel Got A Little Hotheaded As He Spoke That Bit Gave Mason His Soup And Water>
- Mason Ate His Tato Soup And Water AndHe Asked Daniel If He Could Go Look Around Daniel Sayed Yes Mason Did Not Have A Great Look At The Area Since The Bombs Hit He Looked At The Sky And Saw The Towers In The City Sit Still And He looked around and found a  Workbench And Workshop Mason Used The Workshop And Tried to built some things to help defend the farmstead since he was a minor crafter from before the war from his Dad
< Daniel Smiled >
Daniel~ Thanks For Doing That I Really Appreciate It!
Mason~ Your-Welcone Friend But Would It Be Ok If I Spent The Night..?
Daniel~ Sure But At One Cost Ounce It's Night  Get in Bed And Lock Your Doors I Do it because There Strange And Deadly Creatures That Room In This Area At Night..
< Mason Agreed And The Son Was Going dark Mason Went into the room and locked the door And looked outside the room and saw something outside.. That's Was Terrifying A 10 Ft creature It Looked Like A Lizard Mason Shut The Curtains And Went To Sleep Hoping Things Would Not Be So Bad... You Fell Asleep Thinking of your family and what would happen if they survived

—— Authors Note—-
Hey guys Thanks for reading this far! This Is My First Book In Writing So Thank You For Reading It!-Author

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