Part 26

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"This is embarrassing." Romy said, standing on the platform as everyone admired the dress on her. If there was anyone that was going to make the dress look this good, it was Romy but she was frowning, having none of it. Being a bridesmaid was the type of thing that Romy was much too cool for... it was the type of thing she was only willing to do for family so how was it she'd gotten roped into this?

"You look amazing." Karen said with a smile.

"I look ridiculous." Romy said. She turned towards the dressing room curtains where Vera was now making an appearance, the same dress but looking so very different on her.

"Oh wow, just lovely." Karen said as Vera stepped up to the platform, scrutinizing herself in the mirror.

"It's not bad." Vera said, trying to make the best of it but still a bit uncomfortable with the whole situation. They hardly knew this girl.

"Well I feel fabulous!" Maru said, bouncing out and stretching her arms. They all turned to her, realizing that it would actually be Lena and Maru who would look best in the dresses thanks to their energy and youth.

"You look adorable." Romy said, raising her brow and feeling like she would gag.

"So does Lena." Maru said, pulling back the curtain to reveal Lena who looked just as adorable.

"She does." Karen said. Lena walked over to one of the mirrors, looking at the dress. Whey did women always feel the need to embarrass their friends with these ridiculous dresses?

"It's nice." Lena said, trying to be polite.

"What about Echo?" Karen finally asked, "Where is she hiding?"

"It fits, I'm fine." Echo called from behind the dressing room curtains.

"Oh come on we want to see." Karen said. Romy looked at Vera who was biting her lip, aware that this situation had to be particularly embarrassing for Echo.

"Fine." Echo said, trudging out from behind the curtain.

There was silence.

"Oh my." Karen finally said and Echo turned red.

"Ugh, I knew it. I look ridiculous." Echo said, turning away but Vera moved quickly towards her, grabbing her hand.

"No, dear... just the opposite... look." Vera said, moving her towards a mirror. "You look just as adorable as Maru and Lena. Maru stood next to Echo with a big grin.

"You're so cute." Karen said with a smile, turning to face all of them. "This is going to be perfect."

"You... let's fix that hem." One of the attendants pointed to Echo and prompted her up onto the platform. "You two are fine, I need to shorten the dress a bit for these two... and let it out a bit for her."

The attendant pointed to Lena who was by no means a big girl but was the curviest of her sisters and the one who still had most of her baby fat.

"So I can take this thing off?" Romy asked with a raised brow.

"Yes, go ahead." The attendant said as she began to work Echo's hem.

"Great. I think I need a drink." Romy said, getting down from the platform and moving towards the dressing room. Vera followed, secretly feeling the exact same thing but much too polite to say it.


There was a voice from the front of the store, followed by a ring of the bell.

"Yikes... be right back." the attendant said, slipping away while leaving Echo staring in the mirror.

An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now