Part 29

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"What... what... what... what... what... " Echo stuttered as Luke leaned over her, smiling brightly. She reached down, pulling the sheet over her, aware that she was in her underwear.

"Oh baby, you weren't this shy last night." Luke teased and Echo moved, sitting up. She held the sheet up to her chin and moved all the way to the backboard of the bed, pressing herself against it.

"What happened?" She asked, trying to remember. Luke sighed.

"As much as I would love to say that everything happened, I am obliged to inform you that I behaved like a perfect gentleman." He said, sitting up and facing her.

"You did?" She repeated, trying to remember and he nodded.

"Of course, did you expect less from me?" he asked with a playful frown, "I'm hurt."

"So... then why am I naked?" Echo asked and Luke laughed.

"You're not naked, not nearly and... you did that." He said, standing and stretching. Echo tried not to look as he moved but it was hard. Every damn part of him was lean muscle after lean muscle, stretching from tapered hips to those wide shoulders of his... he was perfect. Even the scars that were spread across his shoulder seemed to emphasize his perfection. She wondered how he'd gotten them but more so, she wondered if what they felt like.

"See anything you like?" He asked as he walked towards a chair. She turned bright pink, looking down.

"Would you mind... putting on some pants?" She asked. The sight of him in his briefs was too much for her to handle. He chuckled.

"Sure." He said, disappearing into the bathroom. Echo looked around frantically, spotting her clothes in a neatly folded pile on the chair. She stood quickly, making her way to them.

"I don't know what I was expecting last night but I don't think that was it." Luke said, making her turn and bring her arms up around her.

"What do you mean?" She asked nervously.

"The men's boxer briefs... You're basically wearing shorts." He said, appearing from the door way and shaking his head at her modesty.

"They're more practical." she said, reaching out for her shirt and quickly pulling it over her head. "and comfortable."

He sighed and shook his head, moving towards her.

"Nope, nope. We're not doing that again." He said, reaching out for her and picking her up.

"Luke, what are you doing?" She asked, surprised as he tossed her onto the bed. Echo stared at him in surprise but before she could move, he'd climbed up on the bed with her and was leaning over her.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Luke said with a grin, leaning in.

"Making me nervous..." She said and he stopped, unable to keep a straight face. He laughed loudly, turning over on his side and looking at her as she frowned in confusion.

"What's so funny?" She said.

"You are, Echo. My adorable little Echo." He said putting a hand on her stomach. "I'll admit it... I loved waking up with you next to me. We're not taking any steps back, Echo. Always going to move forward."

"I should be going... My sister will be worried that I didn't come home." She said.

"I know. Give her a call." Luke said, standing up suddenly. "I suggest you take a shower, you'll feel much better after that and in the meantime, I'll get us some breakfast."

Then, before she could respond, he was out of the room. She sat still for several minutes, feeling as her breathing finally returned to normal, trying to process it all. Was this really happened? Did she really wake up next to him? She had the image of Luke in bed next to her, nothing but the black briefs as he held her close to him. She shivered at the thought, then she looked down at herself. She couldn't believe he'd seen her like that.

An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now