You ever imagine of something or a situation and you get chills? Yeah, you get those chills and decide to avoid that thing or situation? Exactly. That's because you are AFRAID!!
Being afraid is because you have the fear. Fear of the unknown or rather fear of a known bad situation that you don't want to happen to you.Just quit it already!!
You want to improve yourself? Then the only way to deal with fear is to FACE IT!! I know you've heard this a million times or more and am here to say it to you too.FACE IT!PERIOD!
Avoid avoiding fear.Avoiding our fears prevent us from moving forward basically it makes us more anxious and with anxiety you'll know it ain't that good...right??You want to be that entrepreneur but you're scared to start because in your head you fear failure,now how are you going to learn if you dont fail first??? that's just an example
But we all are human beings and all of us have fears what differentiate us is that some of us face it while some of us just avoids it.The results will never be the same!!!
All these successful people,greatest innovators,media personalities,brand ambassadors and influencers,bloggers,youtubers and many more they are where they are because at a given time in their lives they just had to face their fears and improve themselves which in return landed them where they are!
We start by a step to the right direction.One step at a time.One fear at a time.BREATH. IT will be fine. Patience,have it. I believe in you and I know you're really trying right now but it's the way to go.
Face your fear,reduce anxiety and improve yourself.GO OUT THERE AND BE GREAT!!!
SpiritualeSelf improvement is journey that we all take at a given time in our lives. It is an ongoing process of constant learning that gives you an opportunity to bring out both your strengths and weaknesses and work on them as a person. Improving you is ne...