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"Accept yourself " is so easy to say but so hard to implement, that I can't lie.
Accepting who you are wholly and fully is not easy as we all have our own flaws and imperfections.But it is a challenge you can take a day at time to improve yourself and boost your self esteem.

Do you know our flaws as human beings should not be a hindering factor to us leading a purposeful life and walking in confidence? Accepting yourself is the major/greatest achievement you can do to yourself. Imagine everyone else judging you and you also judge yourself?? That's not fair at all!!!!

The external environment will always have influence on us no matter what,being true to yourself and accepting who you are is going to help you a lot. At the end of the day your sanity matters and losing yourself by not accepting yourself will make you depressed.You dont want that trust me.

Start today,just stand in front of your mirror and smile(sounds insane,right?) look at the person in the mirror and say" I accept you today,wholly and fully, because we need each other at the end of the day and we are stuck together anyways. I got you no matter what,today and forever. Let's face life together(and say your name)" make this contract with yourself and it is a step towards the right direction.

Accept you be it physically or emotionally and you're going to understand more about yourself that you didn't even know before. A new recognition towards positivity and a whole new life where you love yourself fearlessly!!!

Be you
Start today
You're amazing
You  got this
I trust you


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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