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━━ 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚


003.| 𝒿𝑜𝓇𝒿𝒶

JORJA ROLLS DOWN THE WINDOWS OF HER CAR, attempting to let the springtime air offer some semblance of relief as the cool breeze brushed against her sweat soddened skin. The sun's luminescence was nearly molten with how hot it was, sweat dripped from nearly every orifice of her body—causing the fabric of her clothing to cling wetly against her skin. It would be just her misfortunate luck for her air conditioning system to be broken at a time when she desperately needed it the most.

She had the day off, which seemed like such of a rarity these days, and had decided to finally go down to the mechanic shop to see what the estimated price would be to get it repaired. She couldn't go another day suffering in this heat.

Pulling into the lot of the shop by her apartment, she sees that it's a few cars already inside. There's a girl; clad in a navy blue uniform with a black bandana tied around her braids working underneath the hood of one of the cars. Perched inside of the car in the passenger's seat, was an older gentleman who was bellowing out words and instructions to her as he assisted her in the repair.

Retracting the keys from the engine after putting the car in park, Jorja clambered out of the car and began to approach the front entrance. As she walked closer, she could hear the low hymn of music emanating from the speakers of the radio along with the mellifluous tenor of someone's voice rapping in tandem over the song's beat. The man's head peered outside of the car door as he looked over at her.

"I'll have someone be right with you," He informs her with an amicable smile before beckoning out a clamorous; "Cal!" that has someone emerging from the back room and approaching the counter seconds later.

"Yeah?" The guy asks, his eyes wandered in the direction of the man who'd beckoned him but once he noticed Jorja standing there, his gaze and demeanor shifted immediately. "Sorry, how may I help you?" Jorja's eyes wander to the name that's stitched on the left side of the uniform that read Calvin. He smiles at her, soft and amicable in almost the same reflective manner as the older guy had as he reached up to adjust the fitted cap that he's wearing backwards on his head.

Unlike the other two, he wore his uniform in an informal way to where it's zipped halfway down and reveals the white Henley that he's wearing underneath.

He's attractive; undeniably so.

He has a face complimented with chiseled features, a coquettish smile that's accompanied by a small gap, the faintest trace of dimples emboldening in his cheeks and dark umber eyes that had her knees nearly buckling beneath her underneath the smothering warmth of his viltrages. The longer he held her gaze, the more she could feel herself becoming flustered. Jorja harrumphed softly, shaking her head as she inwardly ridded her mind of any salacious thoughts that arose.

"Yes, I just need a price estimate on what it would be to get my air conditioning fixed." She questions, watching as he gauged a haste look down at her before nodding. He holds a finger up mid-air and stepped away, sauntering back into the room he emerged from upon her arrival. When he returned, she notices that he's holding a chilled bottle of water that he proffers out to her in offering.

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