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005.| 𝒿𝑜𝓇𝒿𝒶

"HOW'S IT BEEN GOING WITH YOUR FUTURE MOTHER IN LAW?" Jorja surmises, pursing her lips over the rim of her glass as she sipped gingerly on the daiquiri that she ordered. The liquid chiseled cooly down her throat, the white Bacardi rum had a distinctive pungent and saccharine taste—the acidity of it succored Jorja in temporarily forgetting the exasperating workday that she had.

Sitting behind a desk and checking patient's in for their appointments seems like it would be a fairly undemanding job, but with customer's nagging entitlement and lack of couth, it made the work day feel more depleting than usual. When she got off at 5:30 she texted Yolanda and was haste to suggest going out for midday cocktails so that they could drink their problems away. And Yolanda being the supportive friend that she is (and her inability to decline an invitation to go out for drinks in any circumstance) was haste to accept.

They met up at one of their favorite restaurants, ordered appetizers and drinks and immediately delved into their gossip. Jorja began the conversation; lamenting about her job, the customers, and her overall feelings of depletion of working. Yolanda expressed the same sentiments, though inserting her boyfriend's mother infiltration in their home as another underlying issue. With Yolanda and Jayden's recent issues and now having to cohabitate with his mother that didn't like her, Jorja's days seemed trivial in comparison to hers.
"It's going just how I expected it to go," She accents, nearly swallowing down her glass of Kamikaze in one gulp.  "She complains about everything. She's insufferable and that's not even the worst part. We can't even have sex like we want because she's in the guest room next door. It's been a week of quickies in the shower or before she comes home from work. I can't even fuck my man how I want!" She laments in complaint, wearily throwing her hand in the air in defeat.

Yolanda's loud and fairly provocative exclamations caught the attention of a few patrons around their table, some were intrigued by the conversation while others appeared aghast by her lewd comments. Yolanda however was undaunted by the stares and continued to vent. "It seems rude to suggest her going to a hotel, but it's my house. I want my space back and I want to fuck my boyfriend as loudly as I want without having to worry about his mother overhearing us."

Jorja shook her head, gesturing a hand in the air to capture the attention of their server. "You need another drink." She suggests in which Yolanda guffawed softly and nodded her head. Their waitress was haste to attend to their beckon, scribing down their order then trotting off towards the bar to get Yolanda's second drink and their food.

"Why haven't you told him how you're feeling?"

Yolanda sighed, gesturing a shrug in response. She pauses, pursing her lips in thought before eventually speaking. "Because it's his mom and I don't want him to think that I don't empathize with them in this situation, you know? I lost my dad last year so I know how it feels. But I had you, my brothers, my mom, Jayden, all my cousins and other friends to help me get through my grief. All she has is Jayden. I can't fault her entirely for wanting to be with him at a time like this."

The situation is complicated—grief is complicated, that's something Jorja can attest for with unbridled certainty. She's never had to deal with in laws or any boyfriend's family, so she couldn't relate to Yolanda's situation entirely but she still wanted to help in any possible way that she could, offering her friend a solution to her bind.

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