Part 5: I Hear You

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There she sat. At the foot of a still, shallow pond. Her head clutched in frustration

An hour had passed since she arrived there, a place not too far from the Pokemon Center she stayed at, and was just a bit further from the clearing she sparred with Sylveon in that morning. Since her arrival, she had done nothing but concentrate on the water; in hopes of gaining control of the move that haunted her all day. The only result of which being those of little to no success... and a throbbing headache.

"What am I doing wrong!?" Braixen shouted as she splashed the water in front of her, throwing herself back on the cool grass beneath her with a defeated sigh. "I concentrate as hard as I can and the best I can manage is a ripple!?" She rubbed her temple with one of her hands, trying to alleviate the self-inflicted ache whilst she pondered possibilities on why she was struggling so hard with one seemingly simple move.

For one, she wasn't a Psychic Type... at least, out of choice, she wasn't. She decided long ago that she wouldn't evolve into a Delphox to preserve the "cute idol" image she made for herself; unaware that she would later learn moves from the complex type pool. There was also her current personality, which clashed greatly with how Psychic Types generally were. Turns out: Being brash, stubborn, and sociable were bad traits for this "brain focused" typing... great.

Not to mention, the constant distractions that have been surging through her mind for days on end: The contest, winning said contest, her training, her lack of said training, Greninja--


Before she knew it, she found herself glancing up at the moon again, her mind trailing to thoughts of him once more as the bright lunar light brought ease to her troubled mind. She let out a sigh as she relaxed into the lush grass she still laid in, still rubbing her temples as she muttered to herself.

"Y'know... It's really hard to do all of this training alone. I never really understood how you managed to do it when it came to 'honing in on your special ability' with that boy you were with." She paused, nonchalantly scoffing as she crossed her legs. "I'd KILL to have an ounce of your self discipline... But then again, if I did, I'd probably wouldn't be as fun to hang out with-- N-Not like you're lame, or anything! I loved hanging out with you back when we traveled together!" She sweatdropped, waving a hand in front of her in some sort of protest; as if she was in a conversation with the frog himself. "A-And you were so cool too! I wouldn't doubt that you are still loved back in Kalos--! But... I just wish some of that 'cooless' rubbed off on me back then, you know?" She let out a chortle. "Heck, you could come here right now just to rub some of it on for me, just for good luck! And I probably wouldn't even complain!"

The ambiance of the night settled around her once more as her chuckle petered off, leaving her alone to realize that she was, in fact, alone. Making her blush a bit from self embarrassment. "I..." She huffed. "... I need to stop having conversations with myself when I'm stressed." She trailed off for a brief moment, her heart beginning to grow light as she thought over the words she just spoke. "Then again, I really miss him."


She gasped, abruptly sitting up in her spot; slightly in panic as the familiar voice rang throughout the head as she scanned the area around more once more; just to reassure herself on her solitude. Sure enough, she was still by herself. Then how...

She scurried to the edge of the shallow pond she sat by, peering at its surface to look at her reflection; quickly noting a rather faint, but rather obvious, pink glow to her normally ember-in-color irises. Sounding another gasp as she flinched at the sight, the glow fading completely as her heart now raced. "D-Did I--?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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