Pleacă(Leave/Go away)

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************Author's note**********

This is the first translation I made of a rock Romanian song, so I decided to make a little change by "highlighting" what rimes and trying to make the translation rime as well, so I hope you enjoy.
(PS: if you people want me to do this, to the rest of the songs, please write in the comment section)
Era miercuri spre jOI
(It was Wednesday towards Thursday NIGHt)
Mă iubeai până la cer şi înapOI
(You loved me to the SKY and back)
Două nopţi mai târzIU (ooo)
(Two nights laTER AFTER{ooo})
Nu puteam să zbor, sau să mai fIU
(I wasn't {able} to fly, or to even live ABLE)

Poza ta la minUT
(An instant photo of yoU
//Your picTURE in a minUte)
O scrisoare, şi atÂT, nimic mai mUlT
(A letTER, and that's all, nothing mORE)
Scria negru pe ALb
(It was spelt out, in blACK on white)
"Adio!" exclamat la finAL
("Farewell!" ending in an exclamation mARK)


PleACĂ, mâine o să-mi treACĂ
(Leave, tomorrow I'll be fine)
Ce dACĂ,
(So what if,)
durerea a venit şi nu, mai pleACĂ?
(the pAin cAme and nO, it wOn't gO?)
Lasă-mă sa mOR
(Let me die)
De dOR
(Of longing/mISSing)
Fericirea meA, lA naibA
(My hAppIneSS,dAmmIt/to hell with It)
(Leave/Go away!)

Am ramăs ca un ORb
(I was left blind/with sight no MORE)
Nu te mai văd la mine'n viitOR
(I don't see you in my future anyMORE)
Am rămas ca un mUT
(I was left speechleSS)
Nici n-am mai apucat să te sărUT
(I didn't even get the chance to another kiSS)


PleACĂ, mâine o să-mi treACĂ
(Leave, tomorrow I'll be fine)
Ce dACĂ,
(So what if,)
durerea a venit şi nu, mai pleACĂ?
(the pAin cAme and nO, it wOn't gO?)
Lasă-mă sa mOR
(Let me die)
De dOR
(Of longing/mISSing)
Fericirea meA, lA naibA
(My hAppIneSS,dAmmIt/to hell with It)
(Leave/Go away!)
(Pleacă)(Leave/Go AWAY)
(Lasa-mă sa mor)(Let me die/fade AWAY)

Lacrimi nu mai înCAP
(Tears don't fit anymore nOW)
Numai tu mi-ai dat lumea peste CAP
(Only you're the one who turned my world upside-dOWn)
În loc să ne iubIM
(Instead of loving ourselveS)
Ne purtăm ca doi anonIMi
(We act like two anonymouS)


PleACĂ, mâine o să-mi treACĂ
(Leave, tomorrow I'll be fine)
Ce dACĂ,
(So what if,)
durerea a venit şi nu, mai pleACĂ?
(the pAin cAme and nO, it wOn't gO?)
Lasă-mă sa mOR
(Let me die)
De dOR
(Of longing/mISSing)
Fericirea mea, la naiba
(My hAppIneSS,dAmmIt/to hell with It)

PleACĂ!{Pleacă!} Mâine o să-mi treACĂ ({X2})
(Go awAY!{Leave!}Tomorrow I'll be okAY)

Lasă-mă să mor
(Let me die)
Mâine o să-mi treacă
(Tomorrow it'll be fine)

Pleacă! Pleacă!
(Go away! Leave!)

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