Darkness and Names

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Hey guys! So this is the sequel to Of Superstars and Demigods. This one has more P.O.V.'s so I'm sorry in advanced if it gets confusing.

Onward to the story ^_^
Dinah P.O.V.

Darkness and two names.
All I remember is darkness,
Normani and Camila
But who is Normani?
Who is Camila?

A bright light attempted to pierce through my eyelids. I turned my head, attempting to get the light from directly in my face. No matter how I turned my face, the light seemed to stay. I groaned and raised my hand to cover my eyes, only to realize that it was restrained. I tried again with the other hand, receiving the same result.

I groaned in frustration. Why the fuck am I tied down? I opened my eyes, the bright light assaulting my eyes as I blinked rapidly trying to adjust my eyes.

Once my eyes adjusted to brightness of the room,I took in my surrounds. White walls surronded me. In the far corner lay a red door. To my right, a floor to ceiling window showed the downpour happening outside. Where the hell am I?

I attempted to speak, only to realize that there was a tube stuffed down my throat. Great. Just great. Can this get any worse?

Just then, a fossil of a man enters through the red door, his name tag letting me know he was Doctor Simon. I struggled to sit up, but couldn't get it, my hands keeping me in place.

"Don't strain yourself Dinah, you've been asleep for awhile." He said, his voice deep and raspy. He walked over to me and pulled the tube out of my throat, giving me the sweet relief of coughing.

After my small coughing fit I tested my voice, making small noises and such, ignoring the awkward look I was getting from my doctor.

Once I was finally sure my voice was properly functioning I asked him, "how long have I been asleep?"

He looked at me with a look that I could only describe as sympathy and I began to sweat nervously.

"Come on doc, it can't be that bad."
I told him, hoping that he would quickly respond.

"Dinah, you've been sleep for 100 years."

Well shit


Camila P.O.V.

Darkness and two names
All I remember is darkness,
Lauren and Dinah.
But who are they?
Should I remember them?

I go to stretch my arms over my head, only to find that I've been tied down. What the bananas?

I lift my head up and take in my surroundings. 3 pale white walls, and one floor to ceiling window surround me. A pale blue door sits in the far corner of the room. I glance out the window and see it raining really hard.

I lay my head back down, and close my eyes slightly, trying to remember something. Anything about why I'm here. I hear the door open, and watch as petite lady walks in, a tag labeled 'Dr.Spears' hanging off her coat.

I attempt to tell her hello, only to be restricted by something stuffed down my throat. What? How am I suppose to talk. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO EAT?! Dr. Spears must have noticed my panic, as she walked over and took the tube out of my mouth.

I sighed loudly in relief. "Thank you Doc. I was freaking out. I mean, I don't think I could live without another banana." I told her as I chuckled slightly. She returned the smile. An awkward silence fell over the room as she checked my vitals.

"So Doc, How long have I been out?" I asked her, the awkward silence becoming to much for me.

"Before I answer that, can you finish this sentence for me?" She asked me. I nodded my head, taking the challenge.

"Finish this. Boss, Michelle Obama. Purse so heavy..." She told me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Is it in code or something? After sitting and pondering the question for a while. She scribblred down some notes on her paper, while muttering things such as " I knew it" and "Its worse than we thought".

"Doc, are you going to keep up your end of the bargain?" I asked her, my curosity getting the best of me.

"Camila, you've been alseep for 100 years."

Well then


Hey guys,

Sorry this took so long. Originally I was only going to do one P.O.V. but I thought it might be better to see everyones view of things.

I'll try to update again by this time next week.

Every update will have two P.O.V.

Next is Lauren and Ally.

Axel 🙈🙉🙊

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