Chapter 8

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Jaylen was 5 months old and was very into the whole crawling thing.  I was putting wedding invites into envelopes.  Eric was sitting on the floor recording Jaylen's crawling.  "Honey, can you go mail these?"

"Sure, just a second babe."  He said.  Jaylen crawled to Eric and he picked her up.  "Do you mind if I take her for the ride?"

"I don't mind.  Your mom is going to be here soon.  We're going to the bridal store again."

"Still haven't found the right dress?"

"Nope.  My dad's coming with and so is yours.  They're going to help me narrow it down."

"Too bad I can't come with."

"Bad luck to see the bride in her dress,, baby."

"Nah."  he said.

"Just like it's bad luck to have sex before marriage."

"We broke that rule a dozen times and we have the most beautiful baby in the world."

"Yes we do."  He gave me a kiss and put Jaylen's socks and baby shoes on her.  He took the stack of invites.  "Catch ya laters."

"See ya."  he left with Jaylen.

At the bridal store, I had narrowed it down to two dresses.  "Which one are you leaning to?"  my dad asked.

"The one with the sleeves, off the shoulders, lacy looking."

"Go with the one you absolutely want."  he said.

Twenty minutes later, I sent Eric a text.  "Hey baby.  I found my dress!"

"Awesome babe.  Jaylen's at the store with me.  See you at home.  I loves you."

"I loves you too."

At home, I was making some lemon ice tea when Eric arrived with Jaylen.  I poured myself a glass and my dad a glass.  Eric came in with Jaylen.  "Someone needs to take munchkin.  I'll grab the groceries."

"I'll take her."  my dad said.  He held out his hands.  Jaylen didn't protest.

Eric finished bringing in groceries.  Jaylen was all fussy.  She kept trying to squirm free from my dad's lap.  "What?"

"She wants to crawl."  I said.  He set her down on the carpeted floor.

"Eric, have you baby proofed the house yet?"

"Not yet, she just started crawling this morning.  We had some errands to run."  He said grabbing his phone.  He started to record her again.  "I'll get it done tomorrow."

The next day, Eric was working on baby proofing the house.  Shawna and Mitch were over.  Mitch was in helping Eric and Shawna was outside with me and Jaylen.  Jaylen was crawling around on the blanket I laid out for her.  Once mobile always mobile.  Shawna and Mitch were expecting baby number one.  She was 2 months pregnant.

A car pulled up about a half hour later.  I recognized it as Kyle's corvette.  My mother got out and she was pregnant.  Kyle got out.  Eric appeared in front of me in a flash.  "Get away from my property."

"What's wrong pretty boy?"

"You're near my wife and child.  That's what's wrong."

"Oh well.  Deal with it.  I figured Teresa would want to know about her new baby brother."  Kyle said getting closer to me and Jaylen.  Eric shoved him back.  I picked up Jaylen.

"There is a restraining order against you."  Eric said.  "Teresa, take Jaylen inside."  Eric said.  Shawna and I went inside.  Mitch looked up.

"Hey, the playpen is set up especially for Jaylen."  I set Jaylen in her playpen with her toys.

Eric came back in 10 minutes later.  I was in the kitchen making dinner when he came in.  Jaylen was playing with her blocks in her playpen.  "They left."



"Nothing.  Just irritated."

"About what?"  he asked.  "Him and your mom?"  he shook his head.  "He threw you out of a car."

"Eric, that's not my problem.  My mom may have hurt me but after she had Macy and Lacy she could not have children again."


A month later and not many months until the wedding, my mother called and told me that she lost Kyle's child and Kyle was sleeping around with another woman because he wanted a kid.  Demon spawn of himself.  Eric was tux shopping with my dad, his dad, and his brothers.  His mom and sister-in-laws were with me, I was finding the perfect little baby flower girl dress for Jaylen.  I sent Eric a picture of Jaylen's dress and he sent me a picture of the guys in their tuxedos.  Eric looked amazing in a tux.  "No dress pic of you?  Sad face."  he sent through a text.

"Bad luck. Smiley face."

Back at home, Jaylen was crawling through the living room under my dad's supervision.  Eric was making dinner when I heard a crash in the living room.  I ran downstairs.  My dad was on the floor clutching his chest.  Eric's dad beside him calling 911.  Eric handed me Jaylen.  He had me go into the kitchen.

Within an hour it was over.  Eric held me tight against his chest.  His dad holding Jaylen.  Macy and Lacy were crying.  Mitch and Heath trying to comfort them.

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