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      4 hours before the annual purge

"So as you can read here, in the second verse, the poet used a flower's name, instead of using the girl's real name. Does anyone have an idea about this? Why didn't he write down his love's name?" I asked my class and waited for anyone to put their hand up, but no one moved. Deadly silence took over.

"No one?" I asked again. I hoped that one of them would act. I was teaching the 10th graders. It was hard sometimes; I'm not that much older than them. This could be good and bad at the same time. Good, because they always find it easy to talk to me (of course not in situations like this), and bad, because they don't respect me the way they do with my older colleagues.

I was looking at them, each student in the eyes, but they quickly looked away. But one boy didn't. Mark was a strong and tall boy. Every girl in school loved him, but not because of his high IQ. He was good-looking, I have to admit that, but his head was filled with thick darkness. He was staring at me all the time, which is fine, I am the teacher. But he looked at me in a very different way. Sometimes he bit his lower lip when our eyes met. I wasn't attracted to him at all, how could I? I knew what he did to girls and hey, he's just 16. That's not allowed.

Once our eyes met, he smirked. Of course. He leaned back on his chair, his eyes not leaving mine. He pulled up one of his eyebrows in a cocky way. I felt disgust building up in my stomach and I looked away.

I saw one of the boys, who was wearing round glasses and had short, but messy hair. He was a very good student. He looked down in his book, but his eyes often looked up just to see me, looking at him too. He clearly had an idea, but he wasn't brave enough to put his hand up.

"Luke, what do you think?" I asked in a sweet, calming tone. He looked up from his book and took a deep breath.

"Maybe... maybe he wanted to keep her name a secret, 'cause he didn't want her to know t-that he loves her?" he said low.

"That's a very nice idea, Luke. Thank you for sharing it with us" I smiled at him, trying to encourage him a little, while he lowered his gaze back into the book. I took a deep breath and turned to the class. "I'm curious about your ideas too, remember, there's no wrong answer here".

The big guy from the back leaned forward and put his heavy arms on the desk with a loud thumping noise. He let out a chuckle and didn't even put his hand up before he started talking.

"Maybe the girl had a man and they didn't want him to know" he let out a deep chuckle which just made me feel sick. Something was wrong with this boy. He winked at me and licked his lips slowly. Ew.

"Maybe" I tilted my head but didn't show any reaction. I walked over to the board and picked up a chalk. "But the real reason was..."

I couldn't finish my sentence, because the sudden sound of the ring hit my ear. This was lunch break, so the students started packing fast. This was annoying, but I could understand them.

"Okay, you're saved, but I won't let this go so easily. Your homework is to answer this question. See you tomorrow and be safe tonight." I said as I put the chalk down and clapped my hands together to make the dust come off of my fingers. I didn't even look up when the kids were walking out. I closed my book and I was just about to leave when the sudden voice of someone clearing his throat made me jump. It came from behind me, so I quickly turned around.

I saw a tall, blonde boy grinning while looking me up and down with hungry eyes.

"Mark, I didn't even notice that you were here." I said in a surprised tone.

His smile just grew wider.

"So... have a good lunch" I said and turned around to walk away, but he was faster than me and with three big steps, he got in front of me and shut the door of the classroom.

"Actually, Ms. (y/l/n), I have a question" he talked in a very smooth and kind voice, but behind it, you could hear something strange and dangerous.

"Go on" I faked a smile. The least I wanted was to show him my confusion and a little fear...

"I know today is a hard day, but I was thinking about maybe visiting you tonight" he smiled and his gaze never left mine.

My heart stopped for a moment. His eyes were so deep and filled with something, that I couldn't recognize. It looked dangerous, I felt my stomach turn and I tried my best, to keep my face still. Something was wrong with this boy, that's clear, but could he actually go to my place? Does he even know where I live? And most importantly, why the hell does he want to go there?

I cleared my throat and kept my eyes on his.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Mark. You know what day this is, right?" I was surprised by how serious my voice was.

"Of course, Ms. (y/l/n). That's exactly why we should meet. I know I'm under-aged, and you are my teacher, so our love is not accepted by those, who sit up there' he raised his right index finger and mentioned the word 'up' with it "but since tonight everything's legal, this could be our chance" he winked and tried to take my hands, but I refused and took two steps back.

"I'm sorry to say this, Mark, I really am, but there's no such thing as our love. I appreciate your words and how you feel about me, but I'm afraid it's just a crush" I sighed. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. "Please, try to ignore it and I promise, soon you will just laugh at it". I faked a smile and looked into his eyes.

They darkened at my words and I could see a vein swelling on his forehead. His breathing got faster, I didn't know what to do. He's probably faster and stronger than me, that's not a good escape plan.

Suddenly, he took a few deep breaths and smiled. It was a wide, devilish smile that scared me the most. He stepped beside the door, after opening it.

"Have a safe night then, Ms. (y/l/n)" he said in the sweetest tone. It didn't sound fake, though.

"You too" I said and walked out the door fast. I didn't even look back as I walked up the stairs and rushed into the teacher's room.

I sat down at my desk and put my elbows on it. I buried my face in my hands. I tried to relax and get this out of my mind, but I couldn't. Could Mark be that messed up, to come to my place and do something with me? Maybe force me to... no, that would be extreme. Or not? Gosh, I have no idea what to do now.

Suddenly, a pair of cold hands appeared on my shoulders. I jumped from my chair and turned around, just to see one of my friends and colleagues, Jackson.

"Sorry, did I startle you?" he chuckled and put his hands in his pockets.

"It's okay" I massaged my temples with my fingers and sat back on the chair.

"You look stressed. Is it because of tonight?"

"No, it's actually... it's Mark" I whispered.

"No, again?" Jackson's face turned serious in a second and he squatted down in front of me. "Look, (y/n), you have to put an end to this, tell him to stop" his voice was deep and demanding.

"I did! I told him that this is just a crush and that he has to ignore his feelings, 'cause this is not going to happen" I whisper-shouted in his face.

Jackson sighed. He tried to help, but this happens a lot of times. A teenage student has a crush on a young teacher, this is not rare at all. But there are not many things to do against it.

"Did he say something?"

I nodded. "But I don't know if he meant it" I gabbled. He tilted his head and looked seriously into my eyes. No, much deeper than that. He was staring right into my soul, trying to get the information out of me. 'He said he wants to visit me tonight' I mumbled.

Jackson jumped up and pulled me with him.

"You're not staying at your place" he said.

"Then where do I go?" I asked surprised.

He stopped to think for a moment, then his eyes went wide as he got an idea.

"Look, I can't stay in town, but you can stay at my apartment."

"Jackson, I really don't..." I tried to say, but he cut me off.

"This was a statement, not a choice" he said and handed me a key. "Stay safe" he whispered and hugged me.

"Thanks" I mumbled. "Stay safe."

12 hours [BTS Purge au] fanfiction ✔️ {completed}Where stories live. Discover now